Help with installing php 7.0 in Ubuntu as per video tutorial


Viewed 37 times


Following this tutorial video Already at the beginning of the default change, made the default changes, the default Nginx index should be "subscribed" by the index.php configured more for some reason nothing changes even after the settings suggested in the video anyone has any suggestions? I’m not getting the settings right. And I already formatted the machine to reset the settings, because the last time I tried so hard not even localhost was clicking on the browsers. I use Mint 18.3 distribution The content of my default follows this link only way I managed to paste the code the way it is without breaking.

only thing I changed in php.ini was the line where it was written cgi.fix_pathinfo=0, which was commented and with value equal to 1 and I withdrew the comment and put zero according to the tutorials I followed so that it works correctly with php7.0-fpm.

  • If you want to carry the index php. need to change the configuration of Nginx. Normally this setting is in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default. After changes, just restart the server Nginx with the sudo nginx -s reload

  • @Valdeirpsr was done I did a test creating a file named phpinfo.php and the information is displayed correctly in the localhost/phpinfo.php url but in the index where I call phpinfo(); when typing localhost I expected q the default index Nginx was replaced by php information, q ñ occurred continues to display the default index

  • If possible click on [Edit] and post the code of the Nginx configuration file.

  • @Valdeirpsr will do it the night you speak the default ñ is?

  • If possible post the refente configuration file to your website. It may be the default or another.

  • You edit the question and add the default

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1 answer


I don’t quite understand where you failed, but first, to edit the php.ini in Nginx (remember this in Ubuntu uses FPM) edit this file (independent of text editor):

  • /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini

IS obligatory use sudo or su

If you have added an extension or edited something in php.ini it is necessary to restart the FPM, because otherwise it will have no effect, like this:

sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
  • It was restarted only q even so it did not run I’m half lost if it is the case put the contents of files that were changed until then so q come from the service do it

  • @Rafaeldiaszendron what exactly should have changed?

  • @Rafaeldiaszendron forgets the video, what exactly do you want to release? It would be SSL ?

  • The Laravel should automatically load from the /var/www/html directory but this will be done later. The directory /var/www/html currently has the default Nginx index and an index.php q should "subscribe" to the default Nginx index by phpinfo(); but n worked

  • @Rafaeldiaszendron the index.php file is marked as write and read in the folder permissions? You changed the folder permissions?

  • I need to see this you speak give a chmod 777?

  • @Rafaeldiaszendron does not need to be 777 (this is up to kind of exaggerated), let’s forget this permission, tell me how is your Nginx configuration? Has to command?

  • I will send yes the night you speak the defaul is not?

  • @Rafaeldiaszendron that’s right, the default

  • You edit the question and add the default

  • I found the mistake and it was a pretty bombo kkk business

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