Authentication, email / password and knowing which bank is correct


Viewed 136 times


The idea is a Saas application.

Where there will be only 1 single deploy. and customers will be separated by bank

Once this is done, there will be a login screen, where login(email)/password is entered

But how do I forward it to the correct database ? how could this table/class structure be?

1 answer


1: Make two contexts: one of users, the other of tables of the system

I think the idea is to have all the same contexts, with just the Connection String different. In this case, it is interesting to have a common context:

public class MeuContexto : DbContext 
    public MeuContexto(String connectionString) : base(connectionString) 
    { }
    // Coloque seus DbSets aqui

And another context that only stores user data:

public class UsersContext : DbContext 
    public MeuContexto() : base("DefaultConnection") 
    { }
    // Coloque seus DbSets de usuário aqui

In this user context, you can have a Model keep the Connection Strings.

2: Implement a ActionFilter which determine which Connection String will be used

public class CustomActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute, IActionFilter
    void IActionFilter.OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        var usersContext = new usersContext();

        var user = usersContext.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Name == User.Identity.Name);

        filterContext.HttpContext.Items["connectionString"] = user.Company.ConnectionString;


3. Recover the Connection String within your Action

In this case, you will have to start a context for each Action.

public class MeuController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        using (var context = new MeuContexto(HttpContext.Items["connectionString"].ToString()))
            // Use seu contexto aqui normalmente
  • the idea is good...but I will do a little different, in a simple connection user -> company, where the same will have only the name of the bank, so the 1 context does the login and passes the name of the bank to the second context, so the 1 context is only for login and user info and the second, What do you think? I’ve been up all night thinking about it, rsrsr

  • @Rod yes, that’s exactly what my answer puts. You can perfectly change the Connection String of the example to put the name of this bank, and configure the Web.config to have the Connection Strings. What would change is the way you start the context, where you pass the name of the connection as argument, not the connection itself.

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