How to implement Std::to_string for floating point?


Viewed 273 times


This question may seem more like a request, but I’ve been researching it for 2 months and I don’t know how to solve it. I need to implement the std::to_string in C++ (headless) in a way that accepts decimal values (float, double). What is the most appropriate way? Note that i am implementing my own std::string.

3 answers


  • His recommendation as well as his practice shows that he has excellent performance, as can be seen here


Since you did not specify any constraints for the implementation, the simplest way to do that I would imagine would be:

std::string to_string(float f) {
    std::ostringstream buffer;
    buffer << f;
    return buffer.str();

And the same after double and long double.

It would also be valid to have an array of char large enough and use sprintf.


As stated in the comments, it is to be an implementation on the arm. An algorithm I implemented quickly to do this is as follows:

std::string to_string(double value, unsigned precision=2) {

    const bool negative = value < 0;
    if (negative) {
        value *= -1;

    //Move a casa decimal para a esquerda o quanto for necessário
    for (unsigned i=0; i<precision; ++i) {
        value *= 10;

    //Converte para inteiro e calcula quantos dígitos vai ter
    unsigned long long i_value = value;
    int digits_count = 0;
    for (unsigned long long v=i_value; v!=0; v /= 10) {

    std::string result;
    result.resize(digits_count+1); //+1 para o '.';

    //Converte para string e põe o '.' no lugar necessário
    int prec_counter = precision;
    for (int pos = result.size()-1; pos >= 0; --pos) {

        if (prec_counter == 0) {
            result[pos] = '.';
        else {
            int digit = i_value % 10;
            i_value /= 10;
            result[pos] = '0' + digit;

    //Remove zeros à direita depois do . decimal
    if (precision > 0) {
        while (result.back() == '0') {
        if (result.back() == '.') {

    return (negative ? "-" : "") + result;

This is a simple and limited algorithm, but it can serve as a basis for something more elaborate. I haven’t tested much, and he doesn’t handle special cases, like NAN. I’m assuming that your std::string has the functions I used.

  • I can only use a "string", I need to use C++ without any header.

  • How to use string and at the same time use no header? What are your actual requirements?

  • @Guilhermebernal I implemented my own string.

  • 1

    In this case it is more complicated. If you want an exact representation you will have to study the IEEE specification. But for something quick and simple, I would start testing by special cases (NAN, +/- infinity, etc.). Then convert to integer (via cast) and generate that part. Finally I would take the fractional part (original number - truncated number), multiply by 100, 1000, 10000 (depends on the accuracy you want) and convert that part. Obviously check to not put unnecessary zeros on the left.

  • Thank you very, very much! I had this idea of the same sleeping algorithm, but forgot :P


The simplest way to implement the function is to rely on std::stringstream using the operators of std::ostream which will already be implemented for the standard types and several custom types. This would make your function work for most types. An example of implementation:

#include <string>
#include <sstream>

template <typename T>
std::string to_string(const T& value) {
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << value;
    return ss.str();

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