How to generate a dynamic link within a condition in Thymeleaf?


Viewed 495 times


I would like to know how I can generate a link within a condition in Thymeleaf. In my situation, if the condition is not satisfied, I wanted to create a link that would direct to a new form, in which the user could register a Director.

I’ve been able to perform similar tasks in other situations, but only within table cell tags:

<td><a href="#" th:href="@{'movie' + '/' + ${} + '/show'}">Click Here</a></td>

I wanted to know how to do the same in the following example, assigning a dynamic link to the text 'Click Here to Register':

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
   <title>Star Wars Movies</title>

   <div class="container">
     <h2 th:text="'Episode ' + ${movie.movieName}"></h2>
     <p>You can add other movies through the StarWarsMoviesBootstrap class.</p>
    <table class="table table-bordered">
        <th>Box Office</th>
        <th>Release Date</th>

          <td th:text="${movie.movieName}">The Force Awakens</td>
          <td th:text="${movie.boxOffice}">200000000</td>
          <td th:text="${movie.releaseDate.toString()}">???</td>
            <span th:text="${movie.director != null} ? ${movie.director.directorName} : 'Click here to register'">Some value</span>
          <td><a th:href="@{/{movieName}/characters(movieName=${movie.getMovieName()},movieId=${})}">View</a></td>

1 answer


Good evening, you could use the if to check if it exists and put the td according to that condition.

For example:

    <td th:text="${movie.movieName}">The Force Awakens</td>
    <td th:text="${movie.boxOffice}">200000000</td>
    <td th:text="${movie.releaseDate.toString()}">???</td>
    <td th:if="${movie.director != null}">
      <a th:text"'View Movie'" th:href="@{/{movieName}/characters(movieName=${movie.getMovieName()},movieId=${})}">Ver</a>
    <td th:if="${movie.director == null}">
      <a th:text"'View Movie'" th:href="@{/register}">Registrar</a>

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