PHP + POSTGRESQL (Begin, Commit, Rollback)


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In my application I have a certain process to perform test. This involves database with multi tables. I wonder if it is possible to start a BEGIN; make all manual development, and in case of error, perform a ROLLBACK;.

Note: Remembering that they will be in separate moments, not in the same process, only with the same connection.


passo 1: "BEGIN;".
passo 2: processor manuais com form em html
passo 3: "ROLLBACK;" para re-teste;

I did not find many things about this kind of situation and mostly it was recommended to delete in cascade or validation in Javascript, which is not possible.

1 answer


Hello, you can use PDO, see this example. Source

In some cases it is necessary to disable the auto commit of the databases (mysql/postgres), can be done using the constant PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT

It is also interesting to enable debug mode for error control with PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE and PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION.

More PDO constants here:

try {
  $dbh = new PDO('odbc:SAMPLE', 'db2inst1', 'ibmdb2', 
      array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true));
  echo "Connected\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
  die("Unable to connect: " . $e->getMessage());

try {

  $dbh->exec("insert into staff (id, first, last) values (23, 'Joe', 'Bloggs')");
  $dbh->exec("insert into salarychange (id, amount, changedate) 
      values (23, 50000, NOW())");

} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo "Failed: " . $e->getMessage();

The real challenge of this model, would be to have separate database tables in the same transaction...I think q would be another issue.

  • Very instructive Willian, however the structure of Frameword, does not allow persistent connection. And in your example, you used the Transaction standard, in which BEGIN is in the same process as COMMIT and ROLLBACK, which does not address my need for separate processes. But thank you so much for your help.

  • nothing, tamos ae

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