Get JSON in Javascript (via URI or PHP)?


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At this moment I find myself working on a project, and I need to call a webservice that should resume a json, so that later it can be interpreted and fill a dropdown list. Actually, part of the code that I need for this work, I’ve already found it in an article here on the web, but there’s a problem. JSON, is stored in a local variable, and I need to get the same from a REST webservice.

<script type="text/javascript">

        var myjson;
        $.getJSON("http://localhost:8080/revistaSystem/resplaneamento/ServicoComposicao/ObterTodasAsComposicoes/", function(json){
            myjson = json;

        function PopulateDropDownList() {
           //Build an array containing Customer records.
            var customers = [
                { CustomerId: 1, Name: "John Hammond", Country: "United States" },
                { CustomerId: 2, Name: "Mudassar Khan", Country: "India" },
                { CustomerId: 3, Name: "Suzanne Mathews", Country: "France" },
                { CustomerId: 4, Name: "Robert Schidner", Country: "Russia" }

            var customers = myjson;

            var ddlCustomers = document.getElementById("ddlCustomers");

            //Add the Options to the DropDownList.
            for (var i = 0; i < customers.length; i++) {
                var option = document.createElement("OPTION");

                //Set Customer Name in Text part.
                option.innerHTML = customers[i].Name;

                //Set CustomerId in Value part.
                option.value = customers[i].CustomerId;

                //Add the Option element to DropDownList.

I must get the json and process it before the page is fully loaded, so I opted for the html page:

<body onload="PopulateDropDownList()">

As you can see above I intend to load the JSON,and made some attempts that failed. As well as working with php, in this project I also tried to get JSON from PHP, to later put it next to javascript. I’ve had enough trouble.

    $uri ="http://localhost:8080/revistaSystem/resplaneamento/ServicoComposicao/ObterTodasAsComposicoes/";
    $json = file_get_contents($uri);
    $obj = json_decode($json, true);
    echo json_encode($obj);


Summary: I must get the JSON,from a URI, and after getting this, fill a dropdown list, with values. This whole process has to be accomplished before loading the page. Just out of curiosity, calling my REST webservice, it returns JSON in the following format :

[{"numPK":1,"composicao":"100% Algodao"},{"numPK":2,"composicao":"40% Linho/60% Algodao"},{"numPK":3,"composicao":"30% Linho/70% Algodao"}] 

I wonder if you could give me a concrete example. Thanks in advance!

  • 2

    $.getJSON is asynchronous and will not wait to capture the result and then display. The correct thing is to call the function PopulateDropDownList within the callback of $.getJSON, instead of onload. If you need to make this request before the page is loaded, I advise adding a screen of loading instead of using synchronous requests.

1 answer


You can force it to wait for one process to finish to initialize another with async: true or false.

 url: url,
 mtype: 'GET',
 datatype: 'json',
 async: false,

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