How to change the class of the div according to Ajax’s response?


Viewed 414 times


Hello, I’m a beginner in PHP and Ajax and I’m creating a form for password recovery that validates the user’s email, date of birth and Cpf and sends the password to the registered email.

Node code below I made the request via Ajax and worked correctly, but I need to change the ID div class #errolog according to Ajax’s response that may be:

print "Verifique o e-mail, CPF e data de nascimento informados!";   


print ("Em breve você receberá a sua senha pelo e-mail $email <br><a href='login.php'>Login</a>");


<script type="text/javascript">
    var dados = jQuery(this ).serialize();

      type: "POST",
      url: "valida-recuperar.php",
      data: dados,
      success: function( data )
        //alert( data );
        $('#errolog').css('display', 'block')
                     .html('<p>' + data + '</p>');  

    return false;




$email = $_POST['email'];
$cpf = $_POST['cpf'];
$nascimento = $_POST['nascimento']; 


$validadados = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM tb_cliente WHERE email = '{$email}' AND cpf = '{$cpf}' AND nascimento = '{$nascimento}'");

$rpes = mysqli_fetch_assoc($validadados);
$senha = $rpes['senha'];

$mensagem = "Olá, recebemos uma requisição de recuperação de senha. Sua senha é $senha !";

if(mysqli_num_rows($validadados)<=0) {
    print "Verifique o e-mail, CPF e data de nascimento informados!";   
else {
    mail("$destinatario", "Recuperação de senha", "$mensagem","From: email");
    print ("Em breve você receberá a sua senha pelo e-mail $email <br><a href='login.php'>Login</a>");


  • which class you want to change?

  • I use the bootstrap alert classes. I need you to successfully display class="Alert Alert-Success" and in case of error display class="Alert Alert-Danger".

1 answer


Retrieve the element via ID and add the new class:


Since you can have more than one class in HTML elements, adding a new class will not remove the old one. If you want to change a pre-existing one, it is important to remove the class.


Do all this procedure within the method success and/or error ajax, as per your need.

Since you want to return conditional, it is important to validate (in javascript) the return before changing the class. In this way, I suggest using the return as json, because, you can return a flag containing the status and the success/error message.

echo json_encode(['success' => true , 'message' => 'Mensagem de sucesso']);

In the call of the method ajax, add the attribute dataType='json':

  /** demais atributos omitidos **/
    success: function( data )
        var $errorLog = jQuery('#errolog');

        if (data.success)



But it will depend on the logic you want to apply.

  • Thanks, Gabriel. One more question, on the page validate-recover.php how I define what is success or error?

  • You already have the prints with the error message and success. Just replace those prints with the respective json. When it succeeds status must be true. When it’s a mistake status must be false.

  • It worked, Gabriel. Thank you very much!

  • @Rodrigobianchini Excellent. Mark the answer as a solution to the question.

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