POST request sending a String via Retrofit on Android


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I need a lot of help from you, I’m wanting to make a POST request via Retrofit, send only one parameter:

"select":"select id || ' | ' ||senha_terminal,nome,login_web,null,5,null n2,7,senha_terminal,senha_web,data_inclusao from usuario where id in (3257) order by id desc"

And in return I receive:

        "campo1": "3257 | 74327",
        "campo2": "Sidnei",
        "campo3": "sidnei01",
        "campo4": null,
        "campo5": 5,
        "campo6": null,
        "campo7": 7,
        "campo8": "74327",
        "campo9": "56c07af798f309dbd75822a849ce47b6",
        "campo10": "2012-02-08T11:00:06"

The method I use in Postman is the POST, using the url. I have done several tutorials of Retrofit, but none successfully. Someone could help?

My code: Apiutils:

public class ApiUtils {

    private ApiUtils() {}

    public static final String BASE_URL = "";

    public static APIService getAPIService() {

        return RetrofitClient.getClient(BASE_URL).create(APIService.class);

Interface Apiservice:

import retrofit2.Call;
import retrofit2.http.Body;
import retrofit2.http.FormUrlEncoded;
import retrofit2.http.POST;

 * Created by romeu on 27/03/18.

public interface APIService {

    Call<Post> consulta(@Body JsonObject post);


package com.example.romeu.testedatabase;

public class Post {

private String campo1;
private String campo2;
private String campo3;
private Object campo4;
private Integer campo5;
private Object campo6;
private Integer campo7;
private String campo8;
private String campo9;
private String campo10;

public String getCampo1() {
    return campo1;

public void setCampo1(String campo1) {
    this.campo1 = campo1;

public String getCampo2() {
    return campo2;

public void setCampo2(String campo2) {
    this.campo2 = campo2;

public String getCampo3() {
    return campo3;

public void setCampo3(String campo3) {
    this.campo3 = campo3;

public Object getCampo4() {
    return campo4;

public void setCampo4(Object campo4) {
    this.campo4 = campo4;

public Integer getCampo5() {
    return campo5;

public void setCampo5(Integer campo5) {
    this.campo5 = campo5;

public Object getCampo6() {
    return campo6;

public void setCampo6(Object campo6) {
    this.campo6 = campo6;

public Integer getCampo7() {
    return campo7;

public void setCampo7(Integer campo7) {
    this.campo7 = campo7;

public String getCampo8() {
    return campo8;

public void setCampo8(String campo8) {
    this.campo8 = campo8;

public String getCampo9() {
    return campo9;

public void setCampo9(String campo9) {
    this.campo9 = campo9;

public String getCampo10() {
    return campo10;

public void setCampo10(String campo10) {
    this.campo10 = campo10;

public String toString() {
    return "Post{" +
            "campo1='" + campo1 + '\'' +
            ", campo2='" + campo2 + '\'' +
            ", campo3='" + campo3 + '\'' +
            ", campo4=" + campo4 +
            ", campo5=" + campo5 +
            ", campo6=" + campo6 +
            ", campo7=" + campo7 +
            ", campo8='" + campo8 + '\'' +
            ", campo9='" + campo9 + '\'' +
            ", campo10='" + campo10 + '\'' +



public class RetrofitClient {

    private static Retrofit retrofit = null;

    public static Retrofit getClient(String baseUrl) {
        if (retrofit==null) {
            retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
        return retrofit;


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private APIService mAPIService;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mAPIService = ApiUtils.getAPIService();
        enviarConsulta("select id || ' | ' ||senha_terminal,nome,login_web,null,5,null n2,7,senha_terminal,senha_web,data_inclusao from usuario where id in (3257) order by id desc");

    public void enviarConsulta(String query)

        JsonObject data = new JsonObject(); data.addProperty("select", query);

        mAPIService.consulta(data).enqueue(new Callback<Post>() {
            public void onResponse(Call<Post> call, Response<Post> response) {
                if(response.isSuccessful()) {
                    Log.d("SQL", "post submitted to API." + response.body().toString());

            public void onFailure(Call<Post> call, Throwable t) {
                Log.d("SQL", "Unable to submit post to API.");
  • Post the code you already tried, so we can analyze where you are missing and how to fix.

  • Hello @Valdeirpsr just posted the code.

  • You are sending the Post in the method enviarConsulta? You can replace Call<Post> consulta(@Body Post post); for Call<Post> consulta(@Body JsonObject post); and send a Json.

  • The way you’re doing, you’re sending the class Post instead of the informed Json.

  • Okay I switched to jsonObject but as I create a json to send?

  • JsonObject data = new JsonObject(); data.addProperty("key", "value");

  • mAPIService.query(-Which parameter-). enqueue(new Callback Which parameter I pass in the query?

  • You pass the variable data

  • Get it, I’ll test the return

  • FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.example.Romeu.testedatabase, PID: 806 java.lang.Runtimeexception: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.romeu.testedatabase/com.example.romeu.testedatabase.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: @Body parameters cannot be used with form or multi-part encoding. (Parameter #1 Apiservice.query

  • this error appeared

  • mAPIService is returning null

  • I edited my post, of how to be currently the code

  • I was building a code here. I’ll post it to Github for you to take a look.

  • great thank you!


  • Otimo valdeir gave it right!!! Wouldn’t I be able to do a function like I was doing and pass the value of the json parameter, and get the answer? Ex: sendConsult("select * from user"); and this method would return me the information

  • You can, you can adapt or I can post as an answer. But the idea is the same.

  • Great, the last doubt how do I access a position of that answer? ex: I only want field 1, because the Post class is giving getCampo1, and is returning null

  • I tested it here and it’s normal

  • how are you giving the get?

  • Thank you very much!!!!

  • As I rank you here valdeir??

  • Looking at your code the return configuration is wrong, in the example vc shows that the answer is an Object Array, and in retrofit vc because Call<Post>, the correct would be Call<Post[]> or Call<List<Post>>, and you could use Map<String,String> instead of creating class for POST, and vc tbm could use a Map as a request parameter, so it tbm would create a json the way you wanted it to with minimal code

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