Would it be possible to open a cmd window via php via web?


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I am using the following code below:

$wShell = new COM("WScript.Shell"); 
$exec = $wShell->Run("notepad.exe", 7, false); 
 exec("C:\inetpub\wwwroot\boxlabel\box_bat.bat") or die ("");

I’d like to execute it without being in background opening the window would literally have to do that?

  • Like this: https://ping.eu/ping/ ?

  • that any command

  • 1

    If your intention is to run this on the client machine, via JS or PHP is impossible, for security reasons. Either you develop a module to run on the client machine or run in the background on your server.

  • If you want something running on the machine and in the browser you will have to create a module to run on the machine.

  • I don’t know in windows, but the same example in a *Nix would be: shell_exec('arquivoaserexecutado &') The & causes the process to run in the background, so php will not be stuck waiting for more return as the return was the process ID.

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