Error creating new Laravel project


Viewed 364 times


I am trying to create my first Laravel project, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and while trying to create my new project it shows the following error:

Composer create-project --prefer-dist Standard/app "5.2. *" The "" file could not be downloaded: SSL: Success failed to open stream: Cannot connect to HTTPS server through proxy could not be Fully Loaded, package information was Loaded from the local cache and may be out of date

[Composer Downloader Transportexception]
The "
c382a881cebea2322290bbbb914e252d6ed.json" file could not be downloaded (HTT
P/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required)

create-project [-s|-Stability STABILITY] [-prefer-source] [-prefer-dist] [--Repository REPOSITORY] [-Repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [---dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-Progress] [--no-Secure-http] [-Keep-vcs] [--remove-vcs] [-no-install-vcs] [-install-no-install-install-vcs] [--ignore-Platform-reqs] [--] [] [] []

I tried to find out what is the problem with JSON but found nothing about it.

I have the Laravel Installer 2.0.1.

I would like to create a project with Laravel 5.4 `

  • The error refers to network error, has proxy on Re ? usually can be a lock on the download site

  • has proxy yes, but how do I allow this download?

  • you will need to log into your rotator configuration (router/moden) and free up access to

1 answer


You need to release in the proxy "" If it is in the modem you enter it and put the url base in the allowed ones, now if the proxy is on a server or you need to request release of Adm or release yourself if you have access. All you have to do is release the that he will already give you access and be able to do the installation.

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