Maintain item order in JSON


Viewed 679 times


Have to maintain the order of the items that came in JSON of a API?

This is like this coming from API:

{"6":"Abadia","218":"Abel Reis","44":"Alexandre Campos - Jardim","13":"Alfredo Freire I","174":"Alfredo Freire II","186":"Alfredo Freire III","217":"Alfredo Freire IV","189":"Alvorada I, Jardim","190":"Alvorada II, Jardim","55":"Am\u00e9rica - Jardim","80":"Amoroso Costa","254":"Anita, Jardim","137":"Antonia"}

and when I wear it on select for example the JSON this being organized by index and not by texto, that is, staying like this:

1: "Centre"
2: "Saint Benedict"
3: "Santa Maria"
6: "Abbey"
8: "Great Horizon"
9: "Boa Vista"
10: "Mercy"
11: "Rec. of Bandeirantes"

  • Check if API can be ordered in Javascript

  • The object is in alphabetical order and you want to keep so in select is this?

  • @Virgilionovic friend the API is sending already organized. The problem is in Javascript that is organizing by the index. Being that the right is organized by the text and not by the index.

  • @Leandro this same. I want to keep the alphabetical order of the values and not the numeric of the index.

2 answers


Unlike Arrays, an Object has no obligation to maintain the order of the keys.

If you want to keep the order of the items, you must send an array.

var json = [
  { key: "6", value: "Abadia" },
  { key: "218", value: "Abel Reis" },
  { key: "44", value: "Alexandre Campos - Jardim"  },
  { key: "13", value: "Alfredo Freire I"  },
  { key: "174", value: "Alfredo Freire II" },
  { key: "186", value: "Alfredo Freire III" },
  { key: "217", value: "Alfredo Freire IV" },
  { key: "189", value: "Alvorada I, Jardim" }

console.log(JSON.stringify(json, null, "  "))


When key names are only numeric, Javascript automatically reorder in numerical order.

But you can reorder the options of select using sort(). After popular the select, use the code below, which will restructure the options by sorting them alphabetically by text:

// seleciona o select. Altere para o id ou classe usada no select
var sel = document.body.querySelector("select");

// seleciona as options como array
var sel_opts = Array.apply(null, sel.childNodes);

// aplico o sort
sel_opts.sort(function(a,b) {
    return a.text.localeCompare(b.text);

// vou criar a coleção das options em HTML
opts = "";
for(var chave of sel_opts) {
   opts += chave.outerHTML;

// substituo as options ordenadas no select
sel.innerHTML = opts;


var obj = {
   "218":"Abel Reis",
   "2":"São Benedito",
   "174":"Alfredo Freire II",
   "3":"Santa Maria"

var opts = "";
for(var chave in obj) {
   opts += '<option value="'+chave+'">'+obj[chave]+'</option>';

var sel = document.body.querySelector("select");
sel.innerHTML = opts;

var sel_opts = Array.apply(null, sel.childNodes);

sel_opts.sort(function(a,b) {
    return a.text.localeCompare(b.text);

opts = "";
for(var chave of sel_opts) {
   opts += chave.outerHTML;

sel.innerHTML = opts;

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