Doubts about SEO


Viewed 184 times


Lately I have been faced with a lot of doubts, and I felt like coming here to publish some of them...

Structure of Urls

What is the correct way to Urls?

Suppose I register domains.


I saw on Google that it is good to organize pages by directories. Only I see in the search results that it doesn’t have much influence.

Internal Links

How should I link the pages within my site?


<a href="pagina"></a>


<a href=""></a>

The domain TLD influences?

If I use domain with extension i will have better results in Brazil?

The same way I use i will have better results in Mexico?

Google intends that the site is from a particular country and directs more traffic to people who are also from the same country?

WPMU Plugin - Multilingual Wordpress

I was thinking of blogging and using WPMU to create new languages.

If I use this plugin, Google might think I’m creating duplicate content and punish myself for it?

  • This question is about SEO, a theme that has been considered as out of context by the community

  • Just yesterday I asked a question about SEO and many liked it.

  • The fact that the community accepted your question does not match what is in the goal post. If you really want to encourage posts about SEO here, I suggest you convince people to vote in favor of the link posted. And yes, thanks are not welcome, just like your comment above which I find offensive.

  • 6

    A tip for everyone: the fact that the SEO item is currently -3 (+1/-4) does not mean that it is definitely out of the site’s focus. The community has the voice to decide these things! If you think this subject should be on-topic, vote for the goal! P.S. I did not vote to close, and I gave a +1 to cancel the -1 - because I found the question good; but in the end, it is the community that decides whether the question remains or is closed

  • I voted for the META now be -2.

  • @Kyllopardiun why are you hurting so much by my question? What’s wrong in creating a question about SEO? Just like me and dozens, hundreds or even thousands of Stackoverflow users want to create SEO questions and also want to be answered, because the answers are not directly from me, but from the community. As far as I know you’re no moderator.

  • 2

    I have nothing against the question, I am just doing what I think is right in relation to what seems to me to be the desire of the community (as defined in the goal). Overcome negative votes there and you can post as many SEO questions as you want.

  • 5

    I would also like to remind you that closed questions can possibly be reopened (and vice versa) if the community’s position on the topic changes. Personally, I follow the guideline to, in doubt, leave open, but @Kyllopardiun is in his right to vote to close. Please don’t take this personally. And no, we are not moderators, but in general it is the self-managing community itself (actions "from above" are only employed in more serious cases).

  • 5

    Personally, I’m interested in SEO but I will definitely follow and respect whatever the community votes on. With regard to this specific question, it seems to me that there are several questions in one and that it is difficult to answer reasonably.

  • Ebâaaaa, thank you guys! o SEO for now is released! Vlw guys! Especially to @mgibsonbr and @Sergio

  • 5

    Other than this being about SEO or not, shouldn’t there be 4 separate questions?

  • It’s just that I think how it comes to SEO, if I separated them into individual questions, the questions would become silly, simple questions. I believe that putting them together was better.

  • @bfavaretto Anyone interested in answering can answer them individually?

  • 1

    Anyone who answers individually would have to stack the answers like you did, or it will get even more confusing. I really think they are separate questions. If you think an isolated question is "silly", it may be a sign that you need to improve it. For example, the first two are formulated as requests for opinions, I do not know if they have correct answer.

  • Thanks for understanding @bfavaretto you can remove the question, I will gradually publish them separately. My fear is that they think "silly" and want to vote to close. I see questions from other users that interest me, that I think are cool, only there are people who vote -1 or ask for fechar just really mean. There are people who enter into question question only voting against, just for evil.

  • On second thought, I’ll wait a little longer. At this point @Papacharlie should be creating an answer. : D

  • Cool, they’re already starting to vote for! D

  • I think this publication should have already been closed, I agree with @bfavaretto that there are several issues in one, even the title is in the plural making it clear that this is more of an issue. The author is right to isolate the questions, I do not find them silly, I find useful for those who work with web development.

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Taking the example of the DOC... it is obvious, but the separation must be relevant and coherent relating the link to the type. The second link is the most intuitive, relates the specific term( politica no brasil ) to a related gender( noticia ).

Just as news sites have their categories noticias | artigos | tempo... and its subcategories. The ideal is to always group everything related.

Note that browsing becomes intuitive and similar to browsing in folders, making the organization more efficient for both search engines and the user: hosting.htm

Link, relative or absolute

Right is relative or absolute:

relative link - /noticia/politica-no-brasil.htm
absolute link -

Well, this goes from the preference of the developer, I use absolute link for finding more convenient and my system produces the links automatically.


There is a lot of logic in search engines, they will identify the target based on various criteria such as domain, extension, language... I cannot say categorically, because I have not found a consensus on this, or anything very relevant, other than a certain ease in indexing traditional extensions.

It can be an eternal debate without a concrete certainty... SEO is a combination of techniques without an exact and simple rule, but hopefully have helped in some points.

  • That’s right, boy! You know SEO. Rsrs

  • 1

    I edited the absolute link. Using a Framework it is easier to manage links with HTTPS|HTTP protocol.

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