Create spinner with dynamic values


Viewed 80 times


I’m trying to create a spinner with dynamic values.

It’s making a mistake when I try to set the Adapter in the spinner, follows below the error and my code.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void
android.widget.Spinner.setAdapter(android.widget.SpinnerAdapter)' on a
null object reference


Sqlite sqlite = new Sqlite(getApplicationContext());
            final ArrayList<Ocorrencia> arrayList = sqlite.getListaOcorrencia();

            final Spinner spnocorrencia = view.findViewById(;
            OcorrenciaAdapter ocoAdapter = new OcorrenciaAdapter(getApplicationContext(), arrayList);

            Log.i("getItem", String.valueOf(ocoAdapter.getItem(1)));
            spnocorrencia.setAdapter(ocoAdapter); // erro está nessa linha


Context context;
ArrayList<Ocorrencia> arrayList;

public OcorrenciaAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<Ocorrencia> arrayList) {
    this.context = context;
    this.arrayList = arrayList;

The error message says that I am trying to set a null value in Adapter, but my Adapter returns value, in "getCount()", and also in "getItemId()".

  • view.findViewById( actually exists in the view?

  • Yes, there is. <Spinner android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="100dp" android:id="@+id/spnocorrencia" android:layout_margin="10dp" android:Theme="@style/Base.TextAppearance.Appcompat.Small" android:background="#15444947" />

  • When I give a Log. i to see the Count of the Adapter, it returns the correct amount that was to come. I don’t know if it’s a problem in the values, the way you were saved.

  • The problem is because spnocorrencia is void.

  • the problem may be here "final Spinner spnocorrencia = view.findViewById(;" ?

  • Yes. Add if (spnocorrencia == null) { Log.w("TAG", "Variável nula"); } after final Spinner spnocorrencia… .

  • It’s really null, I just don’t know why I am. Because I created my snipper in my view, I passed the correct id, etc.

  • Define a id in the element root of his View and then use Log.w("ViewId: ".concat(view.getId())), so you’ll make sure that view is the right one.

  • Root element, would it be right at the beginning of my view? I’m starting now with android dev, so various doubts.

  • Yes. The first element of your XML (LinearLayout, FrameLayout, ConstraintLayout etc.)

  • Friend, it worked here. In "view.findViewById(", I substitute "dialogView.findViewById("

  • That’s it. If possible put the - as answer - the problem and which the solution. Even you can mark as solved.

  • For I had called my main view this way here "final View dialogView = Inflater.inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_product ,null);", the variable "view", represented another view of the code emu

  • All right, thanks for your help.

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1 answer


Problem solved!

The problem was on the line final Spinner spnocorrencia = view.findViewById(;

The variable view did not represent the view that my spinner was created.

The creation of my view correct is like this, final View dialogView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_product ,null);.

Soon I replaced the line with error and left it that way below:

final Spinner spnocorrencia = dialogView.findViewById(;

I switched the variable view, for dialogView.

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