Doubt JSF Dialog + Selectonemenu


Viewed 207 times


Hello, I’m trying to open a dialog with a selectonemenu, depending on what the user selects. My Selectonemenu looks like this

<p:column headerText="Mecânica">
                        <h:selectOneMenu value="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanica}"
                            id="mecanica" onchange="PF('cadastraMecanica').show();"
                            rendered="#{document.type == 'Pergunta'}">
                            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione a mecânica"
                                noSelectionOption="true" />
                            <f:selectItems value="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanicas}" />

And My dialog is like this

<h:form id="cadastraMecanica">
            <p:dialog style="text-align: center" header="Cadastrar Mecânica"
                widgetVar="cadastraMecanica" resizable="false" modal="true"
                width="1050" height="630">

                <p:outputPanel rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanica == 'QUIZ'}">
                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoQuiz.xhtml" />

                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanica == 'VERDADEIROFALSO'}">
                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoVerdadeiroFalso.xhtml" />

                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanica == 'DESCRITIVA'}">
                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoDescritiva.xhtml" />

                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanica == 'ASSOCIACAO'}">
                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoAssociacao.xhtml" />

                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanica == 'ARRASTASOLTA'}">
                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoArrastaSolta.xhtml" />


My question is on how to properly open the dialog, with the correct file include. Note that depending on what is selected it does a different include, however I am not able to redeem the value selected by the user to validate in the dialog. Someone to help out?


I refactored the code to try to open the correct include, but without success, it follows refactoring

<p:column headerText="Mecânica" style="text-align: center">
                                    <p:selectOneMenu id="mecanicas"
                                        required="true" widgetVar="sel"
                                        onchange="PF('modalMecanica').show(); getMecanicaSelecionada()"
                                        rendered="#{document.type == 'Pergunta'}">
                                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione a mecânica" itemValue=""
                                            noSelectionOption="true" />
                                        <f:selectItems value="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanicas}"
                                            var="mecanica" id="mecanica" itemValue="#{mecanica.nome}"
                                            rendered="#{mecanica.nome != 'IMAGEM RESPOSTA'}"
                                            itemLabel="#{mecanica.nome}" />

Here the dialog

    <h:form id="modalMecanica">
                            <p:dialog style="text-align: center" header="Cadastrar Mecânica"
                                widgetVar="modalMecanica" resizable="false" modal="true"
                                width="1050" height="630">
                                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanicaSelecionada == 'QUIZ'}">
                                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoQuiz.xhtml" />

                                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanicaSelecionada == 'VERDADEIRO FALSO'}">
                                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoVerdadeiroFalso.xhtml" />

                                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanicaSelecionada == 'DESCRITIVA'}">
                                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoDescritiva.xhtml" />

                                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanicaSelecionada == 'ASSOCIACAO'}">
                                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoAssociacao.xhtml" />

                                    rendered="#{bancoPerguntasMBean.mecanicaSelecionada == 'ARRASTA SOLTA'}">
                                    <ui:include src="bancoPerguntasQuestaoArrastaSolta.xhtml" />

The dialog opens correctly, however empty, is not performing any include. In the bean I created an attribute that receives the selected guy

private String mecanicaSelecionada;
  • Have you solved it? The dialog is not opening...?

  • Hello Marlysson, I edited the publication with a new refactoring, however I could not do include. The dialog opens normally, but empty. Can fill up where I might be missing?

  • First: Are your pages in the same directory as the dialog? Second: your included pages should contain the <ui:Composition> tag without the html headers.. only with the content..

  • The pages are in the same directory, and also with the <ui:Composition> tag. I did testo by just doing include without the rendered, normally opens the sliders. It is getting lost when selecting the selectonemenu. I believe the bean is not redeeming the selected value correctly

  • Try placing a <f:ajax process="@this" /> inside the selectOneMenu.

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