I have that function:
preg_match_all('/(tvg-logo="(?<logo>.*?)".+group-title="(?<name>.*?)".+\n(?P<link>http?:\/\/.+))/', $response, $channels, PREG_SET_ORDER);
She scans a m3u8 list:
EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w600_and_h900_bestv2/rHPGCpqsbg3WK90uig0KbxBtFrh.jpg" group-title="Vod! Ondemand!",Jumanji: Bem-Vindo à Selva (2017) - Dublado - 720p
And display the information with this code:
foreach($channels as $channel): ?>
<li class="list-group-item">
<a href="<?php echo $channel["link"] ?>" title="<?php echo $channel["name"] ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $channel["logo"] ?>" class="img-responsive img-circle" />
<div id="info_bar">
<?php echo $channel["name"] ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
I just need to get the name information, which is after the group title comma.
@Valdeirpsr can help me?
– Welder Andrade Serute
If possible, try as follows: https://regex101.com/r/NZVf7X/1
– Valdeir Psr
Is it possible to pick up different parts? for example: separate Movie name, year, dubbed or subtitled...
– Welder Andrade Serute
Yes, it is possible. But it is necessary that all are in the same pattern.
Tìtulo (ano) - (Tipo do Audio) - (Qualidade)
. Otherwise the expression will be huge and may not work as expected.– Valdeir Psr
Yes, they all follow the same pattern: group-title="Vod! Ondemand!" ,The Cult of Chucky (Voiced) - 2017 - 1080p. Only what changes sometimes is what’s inside group-title.
– Welder Andrade Serute
I was able to separate the group-title from the rest, but I was unable to separate only the... https://regex101.com/r/NZVf7X/2
– Welder Andrade Serute
Try it this way: https://regex101.com/r/NZVf7X/4
– Valdeir Psr
Oops, it worked! Thank you!
– Welder Andrade Serute