PHP-File uploaded does not go to the directory defined


Viewed 61 times


$arquivocom = $_FILES['submetidocom']['name'];
    $diretoriocom = "C:/Users/NEWGRID/Documents/uploadcom/";
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['submetidocom']['tmp_name'], $diretoriocom.$arquivocom);
    if (file_exists($arquivocom)){  
         echo"<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Arquivo 2 já existente, por favor renomeio-o e tente novamente');</script>";

         echo"<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Upload 2 feito com sucesso!');</script>"; 


                 <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="30000">            
                <input type="file" class="form-control-file" name="submetidocom" value="<?php echo $submetidocom; ?>" id="submetidocom" required="" autofocus="">
  • Shows no error ?

  • No, the file name and directory saved in the bank but the file does not go to folder

  • You use IIS in your environment?

  • How is set the "upload_tmp_dir" directive in your php.ini?

  • Do not use IIS, "upload_tmp_dir" looks like this: ;upload_tmp_dir =

  • You have permission to write in the directory ?

  • If you are trying to write in directories after the root of your site example your site ta in the folder c:/localhost/meusite and try to write in c:/usuairos/othern will give problem if you do not have write permission

  • I do have access

  • Check your directives post_max_size, upload_max_filesize. There is a checklist that can help you here:

  • These directives had already changed some time ago to be able to import the database.

  • So try using the function copy() instead of move_uploaded_file() Thus: copy($_FILES['submetidocom']['tmp_name'], $path);

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1 answer


Guys thanks a lot for the help, but I managed to solve, turns out I was putting the move_uploaded_file before the condition and should be put after. Now it’s working right.

  • Man, what a trick the rascal had on me. However, your question says one thing your problem was another. Seeing here I believe that at least one file you could upar before dw bump into the problem of n getting more. If this were said, it would clarify the problem further. Anyway, congratulations on having found and shared the solution.

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