Check qts times a particular order has been made


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Guys, I’m trying to develop an app for a snack bar where my billing will be 10% of what they sell in the month using my app.

Until then beauty, the problem is, how do I make this check of how many orders have been made? Does anyone have any idea? Preferably with a practical example where I can study, I’m new at this, I’m trying to develop for a small snack bar.

  • Where you are storing orders, own server or directly in the cafeteria administration application?

  • If you will win 10%, then it would not be in how many orders and yes, cash drive. With this just take your receipt table and see the values. (Not counting if it’s the donkey or the liquid)

  • @Valdeir Psr so I haven’t started yet, but I don’t have a server, and I don’t know any q be free... I thought of creating 1 app p/ the snack bar q would receive these orders from another customer app, so the app q would be installed in the customer’s cell would communicate only with the receiving app of the snack bar. But I’m new at this and I work alone, I’m researching how I can still do it. I can store the sum in the store app and Fz it send me via Whatsapp the value at the end of the month by ex. But I don’t know how to make my client app communicate only with the store app. Any ideas, turorial? Thanks.

  • @RBZ Yes, I know it’s about the sum, I said Qtd of orders in a Generica way, my doubt was whether I had to create only an app or 2, a p/ a snack bar and another q will be installed in the customers cell... Because I don’t have a server. But Valdeir Psr already gave me the idea of q yes it is possible to create 2 apps and with q they communicate only between them... just do not know how to do it yet.

  • The diner has to have a server, that’s for sure. Then you make an app for the employees of the cafeteria, and one for customers, but the 2 will have access to the same bank (server), if not you will have extra work ! For this, you will have to have the server, the bank and the webservice, which will exchange the data with the app’s. Or you can use a cloud server (firebase, aws, etc.) but usually if they are not paid early on, they may charge later depending on the size of the base, transactions, etc...

  • @Anita You - probably - cannot send via Whatsapp without the permission of the user (he can edit the values), but you can send to your email without his authorization (depends on the contract etc). As you are still developing, it is difficult to help since we do not know your code. The ideal is to develop and post the code so that we can guide you in the best way possible.

  • Thanks @Valdeir Psr, I’m still thinking cm Fz, you’re right the idea of Whatsapp does not roll, I forgot this detail q the user pd edit before sending... I thought then on Fz an app p/ store that would only respond to calls from another app that would be only for customers... I thought of making these 2 app communicate via internet, and Qt to storage would be done in the store app in an internal file, sent to me and p/ the store app owner at the end of the month and reset the value in the file... Will it happen? You know how I can do p/ do 2 apps communicate via internet, know some tutorial...

  • Sorry to bother you @Valdeir Psr, it’s like I said I’m new at this and work alone... Thank you.

  • 1

    @Anita The tip I can give you to start is to use Firebase Database as a database server, with it you can have a report with all the necessary information (orders made, cancellations, etc). How this service has a system Realtime, then you can record the customer’s order and read in the cafeteria’s app, or else you can use the Firebase Cloud Messaging for notifications.

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