Error tagged with php in Smarty


Viewed 117 times


I have a question related to the Smarty 3.1 template engine, I’m trying to use the {php}{/php} tags in the templates and I’m getting the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "file:/var/www/html/Caf/view/index.tpl" on line 67 "{php}" {php}{/php} tags not allowed. Use Smartybc to enable them <-- thrown in /var/www/html/Caf/lib/Smarty/Smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 67

I know that if I use the Smartybc class instead of Smarty it will work normally, but I saw that this is a deprecated method in version 3.1 and that the Smartybc class is an adaptation class.

My question is: Since using the {php}{/php} tags is deprecated, what would be the correct way to execute php code in the templates in this new version?

Would be using the plugins Register ?

I tried to use the plugins Register with the getPage method of my routes class and it didn’t work


class Rotas {

    public static $pag;
    private static $dir_controller = 'controller';
    private static $dir_view = 'view';

    static function getPage() {
        if (isset($_GET['pag'])) {

            $pagina = $_GET['pag'];

            self::$pag = explode("/", $pagina);

            $pagina = 'controller/' . self::$pag[0] . '.php';

            if (file_exists($pagina)) {
                include $pagina;
            } else {
                include 'error.php';

    static function getUrlBase() {
        return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . Config::APP_DIR;

    static function getUrlHome() {
        return Config::APP_URL . '/' . Config::APP_DIR;

    static function getTemplate() {
        return self::getUrlHome () . '/' . self::$dir_view;


I’m trying to use it like this:

$smarty->registerPlugin("function", "getPage", Rotas::getPage());

1 answer


I found my problem, in case anyone has this doubt in the future the solution I found in my case was to use the Marty’s registerPlugin method which according to the documentation is recommended, and in my case described above the solution was like this:

$smarty->registerPlugin("function", "get_page", array("Rotas", "getPage"));

To call the plugin in the template just use the name you gave it, inside keys:


Note: the name of the plugin can not have the same name of your method/function because of the error (it took me to discover this rsrsrs).

registerPlugin documentation link

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