checkout in svn Node/Gulp project


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Hello, would anyone know how to check out a svn project with Node/Gulp?

Currently I have this routine that copies my project folder and creates a new one so that I can minify the files and then go up to production. I want to change it so it takes the files straight from the svn repository.

    gulp.task('copy', ['clean'], function(){
    return gulp.src([projectName + '//**', 
        '!' + projectName + '/app/{config,config/**}', 
        '!' + projectName + '/app/{storage,storage/**}',
        '!' + projectName + '/{nbproject,nbproject/**}',
        '!' + projectName + '/{Scripts,Scripts/**}'
  • Your question is not clear Laiane. Try to explain more clearly the object and put relevant snippets of code or commands.

  • Well, actually I have nothing. I found some libraries in js to use but I did not succeed with any. What I want to do is take my svn repository and check it out in a folder on my machine using Gulp (but that would actually be to put it into production after it’s done, so I don’t have to copy folders to go up on production when needed)

  • Today I do a routine that copies the files from my own machine and generates a folder the way I want to go up in production. I’m new here and I still don’t know how it works, I don’t know if it’s right but I’ll put as response the code that copies my local folder today using Gulp

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