How do I email attachment to Moodle?


Viewed 34 times


I’m trying to do this way, but the attachment is not sent, only the email.

$fileName       = 'Arquivo'.date('d-m-Y H-i').'.xlsx';
$directory      = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/local/plugin/exports/'.$fileName;

# Envia e-mail para o supervisor
$userMail = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => 2]);


Using the email_to_user it is possible?

  • I think the file name could not have space Arquivo15-03-2018 13-28.xlsx.

  • I’m gonna test it, huh!

  • It didn’t work. You tricked me!

  • Oh! They already voted negative...! And they didn’t even mention the reason. They didn’t even edit if they saw something wrong... For these and others that...

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