Mask in dynamically generated fields


Viewed 546 times


I need to add a mask with the jquery.Mask plugin in dynamically generated fields,


for(var i = 0; i < data.d.length; i++)
   var linha = "<tr>";                          

   // Codigo Vestibular, Não retirar, está sendo usado no update de dados ao banco
   linha += "<td style='text-align:center'>"+data.d[i][0]+"</td>"; 
   // Descrição Vestibular
   linha += "<td class='mascara'>"+data.d[i][1]+"</td>"; 
   // dat1
   if (data.d[i][2] != "")linha += "<td contenteditable >"+data.d[i][2]+"</td>";
   else {linha += "<td contenteditable class='mascara'>Célula vazia</td>";}
   // dat2
   if (data.d[i][3] != "")linha += "<td contenteditable >"+data.d[i][3]+"</td>";
   else {linha += "<td contenteditable class='mascara'>Célula vazia</td>";}
   // dat3
   if (data.d[i][4] != "")linha += "<td contenteditable >"+data.d[i][4]+"</td>";
   else {linha += "<td contenteditable class='mascara'></td>";}
   // dat4
   if (data.d[i][5] != "" && data.d[i][5] != 0)linha += "<td contenteditable >"+data.d[i][5]+"</td>";
   else {linha += "<td contenteditable onkeyup='validaValor(this)'></td>";}                         

   linha += "</tr>";
  • What kind of mask do you want? CNPJ, CPF, CEP...

  • $('.mascara'). Mask('00000000');

  • These values are coming from Ajax?

  • Yes that’s right.

2 answers


Apply the mask after the dynamically generated fields. It is a possibility among others.

              var linha = '';
              for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
                  linha = $('<div>', {
                      class: 'a',
                      contenteditable: true,
                      style: 'border: 1px solid black'
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="" ></script>
        <script src=""></script>
          <div id=b> </div>

  • One of the first things I tried, it doesn’t work

  • causes the following error: $(...). Mask is not a Function


How are you using contenteditable, can delegate the mask to dynamic elements when they receive focus using the syntax:

   $(document).on("focus", ".mascara", function(){

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