Share on a web service with the client


Viewed 70 times


I created a web service where there are numerators to keep track of an attribute of the whole type, I would like to know how to access this enumerator of another project in which I am using this web service.


  • would not only be consuming web services !!!

  • @Marconciliosouza Well, for me these Numerators did not appear. I have access to the methods of the web service, but the enumerator could not access.

  • Certainly because you don’t have a method that returns your Enum ... if you are in another Solution.projecto. then create an Enum in that other project. It makes no sense to consume an Enum for web services

  • @Marconciliosouza added the photo for better understanding. I have the webservice and created an Enum inside a folder in the project, from the webservice I access the Numerators, just reference the path, but how do I access from another project?

  • @Marconciliosouza é pq é um Enum do webservice, and not that other Solution.

  • 1

    References the DLL in your project.

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1 answer


Since you didn’t specify which language you use in your presentation, I’m assuming you’re sweating some C solution#.

In this way, what you have to do is create an empty Web Application project. Would that be:

Criando novo projeto para os enumerators

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

## Você deve colocar seus enumerators neste pacote. ##

All your enumerators, should stay in this library, so just you referential this dll in the project in which you want to make use of these enumerators.

Would that be

Menu referencia

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In use it would look like this

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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