I’ve had this problem for days. On two other machines with the same operating system, the same installation procedure was done and no error occurred.
I’ll be attaching print with the bug.
I have already searched the internet and tried several different solution options. Including reinstalling netbeaans, JDK and Tomcat(with version 8.5 and 9.0). Nothing’s worked so far.
Someone who has seen this problem before and knows the solution. Please help me.
Information on the system:
Windows 7
Netbeans 8.2
Tomcat 9.0
On another machine with the same programs and versions worked smoothly.
"Error: Unable to find or load the main Tomcat Files class"
The error persists even putting a new werb project in place of opening the project already under development.
Check it out: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31029810/could-not-find-or-load-main-class-apache-catalina-startup-bootstrap
– Gabriel Santos
Gabriel I’ve already tried this. I can start Tomcat individually, but in netbeans it’s the IDE I’m looking to use, from this bug. And in Eclipse is also in trouble. It is very strange because in another machine the doing the same process works without problems.
– Douglas