If you don’t search, don’t show up


Viewed 49 times


I want the user to search the term and just find that table. However, I can’t get the default view (follow the print):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I want only the search bar and buttons below (except View All).

Follow the page script:


require_once ('restrito.php')
require 'conexao.php';

$termo = (isset($_GET['termo'])) ? $_GET['termo'] : '';

if (empty($termo)):

    $conexao = conexao::getInstance();
    $sql = 'SELECT id, numero, nome, status, setor1, setor2, data1, observ1, setor3, setor4, data2, observ2, setor5, setor6, data3, observ3, setor7, setor8, data4, observ4, setor9, setor10, data5, observ5 FROM processos';
    $stm = $conexao->prepare($sql);
    $clientes = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);


    $conexao = conexao::getInstance();
    $sql = 'SELECT id, numero, nome, status, setor1, setor2, data1, observ1, setor3, setor4, data2, observ2, setor5, setor6, data3, observ3, setor7, setor8, data4, observ4, setor9, setor10, data5, observ5 FROM processos WHERE nome LIKE :nome OR numero LIKE :numero';
    $stm = $conexao->prepare($sql);
    $stm->bindValue(':nome', $termo.'%');
    $stm->bindValue(':numero', $termo.'%');
    $clientes = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <div class="container">
            <legend><h1 class="w3-center">Listagem de Processos</h1></legend>

            <form action="" method="get" id='form-contato' class="form-horizontal col-md-10">

                <label class="col-md-2 w3-text-black control-label" for="termo">Pesquisar</label>
                <div class='col-md-7'>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="termo" name="termo" placeholder="Informe o número ou nome do Processo">  <button type="submit" class="w3-button w3-black w3-right w3-display-right xdxd">Pesquisar</button>

             <p>  <a href='listarprocessos.php' class="w3-button w3-black xd">Ver Todos</a>  </p>
            <p> <a href='registrarprocesso.php' class="w3-button w3-gray xd">Registrar Processo</a> </p>
            <p> <a href='http://localhost/proc/index.php' class="w3-button w3-black xd">Ir para o Site</a> </p>

            <div class='clearfix'></div>

            <?php if(!empty($clientes)):?>
            <?php foreach($clientes as $cliente):?>
                    <table style='width:100%'>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Número</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->numero?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Nome</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->nome?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Status</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->status?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>De</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor1?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Para</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor2?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Observação de <?=$cliente->setor1?></th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->observ1?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Data</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->data1?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>De</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor3?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Para</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor4?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Observação de <?=$cliente->setor3?></th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->observ2?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Data</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->data2?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>De</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor5?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Para</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor6?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Observação de <?=$cliente->setor5?></th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->observ3?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Data</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->data3?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>De</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor7?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Para</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor8?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Observação de <?=$cliente->setor7?></th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->observ4?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Data</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->data4?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>De</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor9?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Para</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->setor10?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Observação de <?=$cliente->setor9?></th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->observ5?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Data</th>
                        <td class='w3-text-black'><?=$cliente->data5?></td>
                        <th class='w3-text-black'>Ações</th>
                        <td><a href='editar.php?id=<?=$cliente->id?>' class="w3-button w3-black">Editar</a> <a href="excluir.php?id=<?=$cliente->id?>" title="Excluir o registro" class="w3-button w3-red" >Excluir</a></td>


                    <?php endforeach;?>

            <?php else: ?>

                <h3 class="text-center text-primary">Não existem processos registrados!</h3>
            <?php endif; ?>         
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/custom.js"></script>

  • Good morning @Bernardo Rodel you can work with : https://datatables.net/manual/styling/bootstrap<br />&#Xa <br />This is plugin for jQuery and provides several interaction controls with HTML tables.

1 answer


Good morning, if I understand what you need, just repeat the if done before displaying the table data.

<?php if(!empty($clientes)):?>
<p>  <a href='listarprocessos.php' class="w3-button w3-black xd">Ver Todos</a>  </p>
<?php } ?>
  • I did it before and it worked, thanks anyway!

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