I am creating an order page with the code below, what I want is that when choosing the quantity of the product, it already appears the total value of product x quantity. If I set the value var price_prod1 = 10;
works, but in the script that I’m trying to:
var price_prod1 =<?php $PriceProd1;?>
Everything turns white and returns no errors. Could you help me fix this?
Imagery: https://prnt.sc/io8hvf
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<title>-> Novo Pedido</title>
<form name="products" id="products" method ="post" action ="registering_request.php">
<fieldset style = "width: 640px; height: 640px; margin: 0px auto; border-size = 0px;"><legend align ="center"><h2>Novo Pedido</h2></legend>
<div class="styled-select">
<select style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt;" name="CmbCustomers" id="CmbCustomers">
<option value="">Selecione o Cliente</option>
$query_cust = "SELECT `name`, `id` FROM customers";
$select_customers = $PDO->prepare($query_cust);
//Conta a quantidade de linhas de clientes no BD;
$number_of_rows_cust = $select_customers->rowCount();
//Pega os dados dos clientes no BD;
$data_cust = $select_customers->fetch();
//Verifica se a quantidade de linhas de clientes no BD é maior que 0;
if ($number_of_rows_cust > 0){
echo '<option value="'.$data_cust['id'].'">'.$data_cust['name'].'</option>';
} else {
echo '<option value="">Sem clientes cadastrados</option>';
<select style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt;" name="CmbProd1" id="CmbProd1">
<option value=""> Selecione o Produto </option>
$query_prod1 = "SELECT `name`, `id`, `price` FROM `products`";
$select_product1 = $PDO->prepare($query_prod1);
//Conta quantas linhas tem no banco de dados;
$number_of_rows_prod1 = $select_product1->rowCount();
//Pega o conteudo do banco de dados;
$data_prod1 = $select_product1->fetch();
//Preenche o campo option com o conteudo do BD;
if ($number_of_rows_prod1 > 0){
echo '<option value="'.$data_prod1['id'].'">'.$data_prod1['name'].'</option>';
$PriceProd1 = $data_prod1['price'];
} else {
echo '<option value="">Sem produtos disponíveis</option>';
<select id="CmbQuantProd1" name="CmbQuantProd1" onchange="atualizarValorTotal()" style="display:none; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt;"></select>
var id_product = $("#CmbProd1").val();
url: "verifyQuantity.php",
type: "POST",
beforeSend: function(){
success: function(data)
error: function(data)
$("#CmbQuantProd1").html("Houve um erro ao carregar");
<label>TOTAL: </label>
<b id="total"></b>
var id_product = $("#CmbProd1").val();
url: "calculo.php",
type: "POST",
beforeSend: function(){
success: function(data)
error: function(data)
$("$total").html("Houve um erro ao carregar");
The problem is probably in that part:
function atualizarValorTotal(){
var total_value = 0;
$('select[name^="CmbQuantProd1"]').val(function(i,val){total_value += +val; return val;});
// var price_prod1 = 10; ASSIM FUNCIONA
var price_prod1 = <?php $PriceProd1;?> <!-----------MESMO USANDO <?PHP E O NOME DA VARIAVEL ELE NAO RETORNA O VALOR E FICA TUDO BRANCO; ---->
var total = (price_prod1 * total_value).toFixed(2);
//substitui separador decimal ponto por virgula
total=total.replace(".", ",");
//coloca ponto como separador de milhar
total = total.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ".");
$("#total").text("R$ " + total);
It was just that, a stupid detail that made a difference. Thank you! ;)
– Rodrigo Alves