I don’t have much practical experience with web services. I need to use some methods of this: https://epfweb.safra.com.br/WCF/SvcContratos.svc?wsdl
Could someone help me in how to connect with it in PHP and get the return?
For example: There is a method called Gerartoken() which receives 3 parameters: Dfusuario (Type: string), Password (Type: string), Idtipoconsulta (Type: Typoconsulta).
How could I use the web service to access this method and get its return (the token, in this case) in a variable?
I got this error return: Fatal error: Uncaught Soapfault Exception: [a:Internalservicefault] The server was Unable to process the request due to an Internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on Includeexceptiondetailinfaults (either from Servicebehaviorattribute or from the <serviceDebug> Configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the Exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft . NET Framework SDK Documentation and Inspect the server trace logs. .
– Developer1903
It is likely that the Safra webservice requires an authentication, it would be interesting to ask the Safra the documentation of the webservice.
– SamuelPeixoto