Add icon to Android Studio mode


Viewed 702 times


I’ve been doing research on the internet about the implementation of icons for android apps by android studio, however, I confess that I was somewhat confused.

I made my icon using Adobe Illustrator in a project of 192x192 pixels, but instead of exporting several drawable measures by the same I am exporting only the 1x and so adding this by the image Asset of Android studio to create images of other resolutions.

Is the way I chose to do it right? There is some damage to the final image view in all resolutions?

  • Short answer: It’s the right way.

  • You can use an "Icon Generator" to put your image in all the formats you need. This for example works well with Cordova can sometimes help you

1 answer


This is correct, but icons are usually made by the Asset vector, as they are mostly vectors. Just be careful with some properties of the exported icon that cannot work in older Apis. For example ,there is a color gradient function in xml that only works in API’s higher than 24. Anyway, the way to export is correct. Make the icon in the software you want, export to . png or . svg and uses image Asset OR vector Asset (which is aimed precisely at vector icons).

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