How to create a windows container for Docker?


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good afternoon,

I got a problem I can’t seem to solve. So... I need to build a development environment with windows 10 OS. In this environment I need to have all the necessary settings to develop a web application in C#. So I need this machine to have installed beyond the OS, also VS2012, the packages. Net frameworks and any other application that is necessary for the environment to work. I would like to mount an image with these settings so that I can emulate a container using Docker. The problem is that I am unable to find a windows image for Docker. Can anyone help me? Has anyone ever done this?

1 answer


  • Leonardo, thank you so much for responding so promptly.

  • I’m a beginner in Docker, so I’m even sorry for maybe not expressing myself very well, also not sure you understand correctly. Before hand, I would like to thank you for the links that you sent, was already of great help and I think this is going to help me a lot. As for the development environment, I’m not saying I want to publish anything. I don’t know if that’s how you got it. Let me give you an example: Suppose I could use the virtual box to generate an image with W10, visual studio 2012, the. net framekork packages, etc....

  • It’s like a machine that a developer uses to program, with the whole environment configured. Then it would just take the image file to any other machine and startar with the virtual box and you would have a workstation. The problem is that the use of Virtualbox is not allowed where I work, for safety reasons. So I thought I’d do the same with Docker using a container.

  • Claudio, it’s possible, but it’s not the goal of Docker, with it the ideal would be for you to have windows server with all the packages needed to run your application, in this way another team member could use the same environment to work in this application without the need to configure and install the packages on the machine, all this would be in the Docker image, that is, only the environment that runs the application is portable, the ide must be installed on your machine. This book can clarify much of your doubts

  • Here’s a video where skype runs through Docker with a graphical interface, but I believe it’s just an

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