I already have a habit of using Pycharm over GNU/Linux, and by force majeure I will have to use it over Windows.
The problem is this: When running the python script from the IDE, a python Crawler, the program does not finish. It’s like going into an infinite loop. And because of this html is not written to disk.
Question: How to complete the release of a python script on the Pycharm IDE console running on MS/Windows?
Observing: The executed code was generated on Linux. And it works perfectly.
Sample Excerpt:
import requests
import inspect
def truncus05d(url):
page = requests.get(url)
with open('{}.html'.format(inspect.stack()[0][3]), 'w') as file:
Complete code in: https://pastebin.com/qdCNHueT
And what’s the code? Put it in the question.
– Woss
the following code: https://pastebin.com/UW73pdDH
– britodfbr
Ask the question or ask a [mcve]
– Woss