How to pass a variable into a php callback with Yii2


Viewed 138 times


I am trying to make a somewhat abstract method that will execute a yii2 query depending on the attribute passed my code is:

public static function getModelosQuePodemTer($atributo) {
    self::$helper = $atributo;
    return self::find()
                ->joinWith(['modelo' => function($query) {
                        $query->andWhere([self::$helper => 1]);

If I’m not mistaken I can not pass another attribute in the function being called, and I believe that my solution is a gambiarra

I wonder if there’s another way to do that

1 answer


You can use the use to access the variable $atributo within the scope of the function.

public static function getModelosQuePodemTer($atributo) {

    return self::find()
                ->joinWith(['modelo' => function($query)use($atributo) {
                        $query->andWhere([$atributo=> 1]);

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