Convert my JSON to Excel


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Preci*so from a library that receives the query and when I press a certain button export the result in excel file, detail is that I am using Google’s Chart (graphic) and also intend to put in the document a similar graphic. together with a table that will be the result of the query.


{"cod_bolsa":"5","nome_projeto":"3D Printing","ano_vigencia_inicial":"2017","ano_vigencia_final":"2017","departamento":"Eletr\u00f4nica","orientador":"EXEMPLO1","tipo_bolsa":"PIBIC CNPq"},
{"cod_bolsa":"9","nome_projeto":"3D Printing","ano_vigencia_inicial":"2017","ano_vigencia_final":"2017","departamento":"Ensino","orientador":"EXEMPLO2","tipo_bolsa":"PIBIC Fund. Arauc\u00e1ria"},
{"cod_bolsa":"11","nome_projeto":"An\u00e1lise inorg\u00e2nica de amostras de alimentos e ambientais por espectrometria de absor\u00e7\u00e3o at\u00f4mica","ano_vigencia_inicial":"2017","ano_vigencia_final":"2017","departamento":"Alimentos","orientador":"EXEMPLO4","tipo_bolsa":"PIBIC Fund. Arauc\u00e1ria"},
{"cod_bolsa":"12","nome_projeto":"An\u00e1lise inorg\u00e2nica de amostras de alimentos e ambientais por espectrometria de absor\u00e7\u00e3o at\u00f4mica","ano_vigencia_inicial":"2017","ano_vigencia_final":"2017","departamento":"Eletr\u00f4nica","orientador":"EXEMPLO5","tipo_bolsa":"PIBIC Fund. Arauc\u00e1ria"}
  • See if this resolves your problem:

  • Actually I need to do the opposite, which is json for excel and not excel for json, and from what I saw in the documentation it only produces json from the excel file.

  • Could you pass an example of a JSON that Voce wants to transform ?

  • I’ll ask the question, because here it does not fit

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