Open existing project Laravel


Viewed 7,082 times


I need to open a project previously done in Aravel.

I’ve never worked with Laravel, so I don’t know where I might be going wrong.

the project came in a file . zip when I unpacked it created a folder called engraf182-my-project-6609a7d53557

inside this folder has the files

bootstrap node_modules, public, Storage and vendor

by what I looked from Aravel this is not the way that the Aravel creates its folders in a new project.

each folder of these has a handful more folders inside and encrypted files.

someone can help me open this project??

Thank you

  • What about root files? You got it right?

1 answer


Your computer will need to have PHP and these extensions (depending on the Laravel version of your application, see documentation):

  • Relate the item
  • PHP >= 7.0.0
  • Openssl PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

You will also need to run the command composer update in the project root folder. For this you will need to install Composer if you have not installed it yet (see official website tutorial).

After that, just turn php artisan serve at the root of the project. Open the site http://localhost:8080, and you’ll see the project.

In short:

  1. Install PHP and Laravel extensions
  2. Install Composer
  3. Download project dependencies using composer update
  4. Rotate php artisan serve

* If your project uses a database, you will need to install the database and run php artisan migrate

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