How to use ""Quickcontactbadge" by passing a number to the "assignContactFromPhone" method per parameter?


Viewed 52 times


Guys, I was practicing a little bit here (I’m a beginner) and I came across the following problem: When I try to use a "Quickcontactbadge" passing a number per parameter to the "assignContactFromPhone" method, the "Quickcontactbadge" does not work. I tried that way:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        EditText phoneField = findViewById(;
        String number = phoneField.getText().toString();

        QuickContactBadge quickContactBadge = findViewById(;
        quickContactBadge.assignContactFromPhone(number, true);

When I pass the number directly to the method, it works normally:

QuickContactBadge quickContactBadge = findViewById(;
    quickContactBadge.assignContactFromPhone("888888888", true);

Any idea why and how to solve the problem?

  • The Editext phoneField has some value assigned?

  • Yes, I wanted to enter the number for it and when clicking on "Badge" I could save it in the contacts. When I click on it, however, it seems that the method is not triggered.

1 answer


This happens because the moment you call the assignContactFromPhone(), Edittext is still empty. Add a button to your activity_main.xml file. So you click on it to call assignContactFromPhone() (but this time the call happens after you have filled in Edittext).

And the onCreate of your Mainactivity will look like this:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    EditText phoneField = findViewById(;

    QuickContactBadge quickContactBadge = findViewById(;

    Button botao = findViewById(;
    botao.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            String number = phoneField.getText().toString();
            quickContactBadge.assignContactFromPhone(number, true);
  • Got it! Thanks for your help!

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