WPF select all Datagrid Checkbox


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Hello, I’m trying to select all Checkbox of a datagrid but I’m not succeeding.

Below is my code to select:

private void CheckUnCheckAll(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    CheckBox chkSelectAll = ((CheckBox)sender);
    if (chkSelectAll.IsChecked == true)
        dgUsers.Items.OfType<CheckBox>().ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsChecked = true);
         dgUsers.Items.OfType<CheckBox>().ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsChecked = false);

Where dgUsers is my Datagrid however I could notice that is not finding any checkbox inside the grid.

Below is my shampoo where creates the checkbox within the datagrid see that I invoke the function by clicking on the checkbox:

    <DataGridCheckBoxColumn x:Name="col0" HeaderStyle="{StaticResource ColumnHeaderGripperStyle}">
                   <CheckBox Click="CheckUnCheckAll" >

Here’s a grid image

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What would be the correct way to select all the Checkboxes of a Datagrid?

1 answer


As soon as you search ?

//this event is for **Checked and UnChecked** of up check box (cbxall)
private void UpCheckbox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    //checkBox1 = cbxall (your up checkbox)
    if (checkBox1.IsChecked == true)
        dataGrid1.Items.OfType<YourClass>().ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsChecked = true);
        dataGrid1.Items.OfType<YourClass>().ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsChecked = false);

//this event is for all other check box
//**Checked and UnChecked** of all other check box is this event
private void OtherCheckbox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    //checkBox1 = cbxall (your up checkbox)
    if (dataGrid1.Items.OfType<YourClass>().All(x => x.IsChecked == true))
        checkBox1.IsChecked = true;
    else if (dataGrid1.Items.OfType<YourClass>().All(x => x.IsChecked == false))
        checkBox1.IsChecked = false;
        checkBox1.IsChecked = null;


  • or the element I want in the Checkbox case ?

  • if I’m not mistaken Checkbox, if you check the code is similar to what you already have currently just adapt

  • Thanks after a search discover that where Yourclass is the Modelview that must be passed and isChecked is the name of the property that is defined in the modelview for the checkbox biding

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