Proxy to access Webservice


Viewed 188 times


I feed a database with picking up data from a webservice

function pegarWS($produto){

$URL = $PRODUTO_WS.$produto;

It accesses the URL with the product name ($product) at the end.

This webservice is free and has a request limit.

I would like to go through a proxy (proxy.txt) with proxy ips.

Someone can help me?

1 answer


You can use the API of It has the free version and the version.

The way to capture for both versions is the same thing and only changes one parameter in the URL.

To capture a proxy, simply make a request to with some of the parameters below:

  • api_key=<your-key>: Your key (if the paid version)
  • get=true: For proxy with GET request support
  • post=true: For proxy with POST request support
  • supportsHttps=true: For proxy with HTTPS support
  • country:BR,US: For proxy for certain countries. Separate by comma
  • minSpeed: Minimum proxy Kbps speed

For more parameters, visit the site above.

To capture in PHP, just use the library cURL or file_get_contetns.


$proxy = json_decode( file_get_contents("") );
var_dump( $proxy );

With parameters

$proxy = json_decode( file_get_contents("") );
var_dump( $proxy );

To save these proxy in a file txt, just use file_put_contents:

$proxy = file_get_contents("");

file_put_contents( "ips.txt", print_r($proxy, true), FILE_APPEND )
                   └───┬───┘  └─────────┬──────────┘ └─────┬─────┘
                       │                │                  └──────── Utilize esse parâmetro para não sobrescrever o arquivo.
                       │                └─────────────────────────── Conteúdo do arquivo
                       └──────────────────────────────────────────── Nome do arquivo

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