Mysql = Mariadb, huh?


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It’s been a few days since I’ve been listening to the teacher in my class saying,:

Oracle purchased the MySQL and just renamed it to MariaDB.

As I am not easy to believe in the things spoken, I went to research on the subject and from the little I read, I understood that there was no such "substitution" and that MySQL and MariaDB are not the same.

After all, the DB MySQL is the same thing as the MariaDB? If not, what’s the difference between them?

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    Your teacher is totally mistaken, Mariadb is compatible in many things with Mysql, almost all simpler databases can work in both (with one or the other adjustments). Mariadb if I’m not mistaken has support for innoDB and myIsam, same engines used in mysql, but also has an engine called Xtradb

  • You can have a read here. In short: Mariadb is a Mysql Fork(copy). Mariadb claims to bring some improvements on Mysql and that Mariadb is maintained by Oracle and Mariadb is maintained by Mysql developers.

  • I found interesting what I read on Wikipedia once, I think it’s worth it: Wikipedia Mariadb

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    The creator of Mysql and Mariadb is running out of children to name databases =P

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    He couldn’t be more wrong. Related: You have useful information:

  • @Maniero very good, I liked your reply of the first link related

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2 answers


Your teacher is mistaken, Mariadb is compatible in many things with Mysql, but it is nothing renamed, it is another database anyway, can even be considered a mysql Fork, since it was created by the same developer of mysql.

That is to say, they are separate projects, so much so that they both receive updates, improvements and corrections independently of each other.

Most simple database structures created for Mysql will be able to work on Mariadb and vice versa (with one or other adjustments sometimes being necessary). The Mariadb if I’m not mistaken have support for innoDB and myIsam, same engines used in mysql, but also has an engine called Xtradb (note that although it is not standard in Mysql it is possible to use it in it too, but this is another story).

O Mysql now belongs to enterprise Oracle and is still maintained and continues to be developed and has evolved considerably since becoming a product of it, already the mariaDB is maintained by enterprises Mariadb Corporation Ab and Mariadb Foundation (as Wikiedia).

The following link contains the incompatibilities between both (from Mariadb 5.1 and Mysql 5.1 versions):

Incompatibility in Mariadb 10.2 and Mysql 5.7 versions (I believe they are the latest):

A brief summary of the story of why Mariadb was born

Mysql was created by Michael "Monty" Widenius and David Axmark, to Sun acquired the company Mysql AB, thus acquiring the mysql product, Michael worked initially for them, but was dissatisfied, can not say if it was with the result of the project or with the company itself, and so left the Sun.

To Sun which was founded in 1982 then was absorbed by the company Oracle between 2009 and 2010, thus ceasing to exist and the products belonging to it, such as Java and the Mysql, belong to Oracle.

In 2009 same Monty (Michael) created a Fork ('copy') Mysql giving this system the name of its daughter, Maria, and so was born Mariadb.

In mid-2012 Monty (Michael) together with David created the company Mariadb Foundation


Mysql and Mariadb can be compatible in almost everything, but currently have several incompatibilities.

  • Mysql is maintained and continues to evolve by the "hands" of Oracle.
  • Mariadb is maintained and continues to evolve by the "hands" of Mariadb Corporation Ab and Mariadb Foundation.

Both are currently developed by different companies, without any connection and I believe that thus we can consider both competing systems.

  • Can be considered not, it is. Mysql result be purchased by Oracle (or Sun, I do not remember). Then the creator of Mysql thought that they would not honor the name of his daughter (My), so he decided to launch another bank to pay due tribute to his other daughter (Maria).

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    @Jeffersonquesado I was going to put the back of his story, his daughter and etc, but I thought it would escape the focus of interest of the question, I am currently trying to translate the list of incompatibilities to post in Portuguese here.

  • @Guilhermenascimento liked the answer, but let’s see if I really understood, the two were created by the same creators, but the MySQL is maintained by and the MariaDB by another corporation? That is, even if they are practically equal, they are two different banks (there was no renaming but the emergence of a new DB).

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    @Jorgematheus, Maria is open/community, My is from Oracle. Maria I see having more advances and faster than My, accepts Ctes makes much longer. Both end up still importing/can import code from each other (compatible licenses for this migration)

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    @Jorgematheus mysql belongs to Oracle, all latest updates were created by Oracle... Mariadb belongs to Mariadb Corporation Ab and Mariadb Foundation, which probably belongs to the original creator of mysql and mariaDB. Mysql was created long before mariaDB and was not owned by Oracle, Sun (a former company that owned Java) acquired Mysql and some time later Sun was absorbed by Oracle, so Mysql became owned by Oracle, the original author was afraid of Mysql no longer being free and decided to create a FORK.

  • @Jeffersonquesado show! Good to know the part of that the MariaDB is "open".

  • @Guilhermenascimento Thanks for the clarification. Excuse the ignorance, I saw that used quite the term FORK, what would be?

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    @Jorgematheus Fork is a 'copy' of open source generally, which happens to be developed by another person or by the same person but with some purpose other than the original, and can often become very far from the original.

  • @Guilhermenascimento, show!!! Now it’s even clearer than the MariaDB is a copy of MySQL but is maintained/developed by another company. Thank you !

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    @Guilhermenascimento thank you very much for the succinct explanation, now I am fully able to talk about the subject and who knows even tell the "story" behind to my teacher :D

  • @Guilhermenascimento Very good! I believe that this answer will help other people who have that same doubt that I was.Again, thank you for the time devoted.

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    @Jorgematheus you are not fully able to talk about it, but already have correct information that helps a lot in it.

  • @Maniero I was hasty in saying this, I wanted to say: Able to say that MySQL and MariaDB are not just one.

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In 2008, the Mysql project was incorporated by Sun Microsystems. In 2009, Oracle purchased Sun - and incorporated Mysql into its product list. No change in product name. (Source).

The founder of the project, unhappy with the situation, held a Mysql Fork thus creating Mariadb. (Source)

Because Mariadb is a Mysql source, both (still) share much of the source code. Apparently, the Mariadb project has endeavored to remain highly compatible with the new versions of Mysql (to entice users to the migration of Mysql). This compatibility includes Sql syntax, file system, and communication protocols. That is, in practice you can even use a Mysql client to communicate with Mariadb, observing the appropriate version pairings. (Source)

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