Difference in result between Mysql 5.5 and Mariadb 5.5


Viewed 7,274 times


I have a query running on my site that is installed the Mysql 5.5.43, but when I went up on the server (which has the MariaDB 5.5.38 and I only came to know now) the query does not return the same result, and so I wonder if someone could tell me why this wrong result and the differences between these two databases, that although they are very similar, there are their differences, or I am wrong?

Here is an example of the query I’m trying to run, remembering that in Mysql returns the correct results and in Mariadb that is not on the server:

SELECT DISTINCT umr.tema_id,

        SELECT count(vw1.tema_id)
        FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas vw1
        WHERE ((vw1.tema_id = umr.tema_id)
        AND (vw1.unidade_id = 68)
        AND (vw1.opt_aplicavel = 1)
        AND (vw1.opt_conforme = 1)
        AND (vw1.dt_validate >= '2015-07-22'))
    ) as conforme,

        SELECT count(vw2.tema_id)
        FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas vw2
        WHERE ((vw2.tema_id = umr.tema_id)
        AND (vw2.unidade_id = 68)
        AND (vw2.opt_aplicavel IS NULL))
    ) as naoAvaliado,

        SELECT count(vw3.tema_id)
        FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas vw3
        WHERE ((vw3.tema_id = umr.tema_id)
        AND (vw3.unidade_id = 68)
        AND (vw3.opt_aplicavel = 1 OR vw3.opt_aplicavel IS NULL))
    ) as totalAtribuido

FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas umr
WHERE (umr.unidade_id = 68 AND (umr.opt_aplicavel = 1 OR umr.opt_aplicavel IS NULL))

Here is a print I took of the results running this query in both databases and see the difference between the two databases, remembering that the data are the same.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Follow link with a database dump for a test. https://gist.github.com/marcelod/91836c31cf4bdce5eadc

  • 1

    Are you sure the data is the same in both databases? Which Voce engine is using in Mysql and which Voce engine is using in Maria?

  • I’m sure it’s the same base because I downloaded the entire server base, created a new base on my localhost and put it to run.

  • What is the difference that is giving between the results?

  • Are the values that are not coming correct, many of them in Mariadb comes zeroed.

  • Marcelo, could you kindly execute the command SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name = 'vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas' in both environments and post the field engineof each?

  • Another thing, can run the query SELECT count(tema_id) FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas WHERE opt_aplicavel IS NULL in both environments and see if they return the same thing?

  • @Anthonyaccioly circled the show tables .. and the engine appears in both as NULL and when running q query to return the total of tema_id gave the same thing.

  • Tries SHOW CREATE TABLE vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas;, must appear the engine at the end of the returned command.

  • We both gave the same thing, character_set_client = utf8 and collation_connection = utf8_general_ci . Just remembering that this is a view I have in the bank.

  • backs up these tables/records and makes available somewhere that I do the tests on my Mysql and Mariadb p/ see if it looks the same or different, so far as I know it is not p/ there is difference of Mysql->Maria, but may have difference of Maria->Mysql, ( everything you have in Mysql must run the same in Maria, but not everything in Maria runs in Mysql )

  • @Sneepsninja created a file with the creation of the tables and the necessary view with the data you need, follow the link https://gist.github.com/marcelod/91836c31cf4bdce5eadc

  • @Marcelodiniz tested with what you passed there on the link, despite showing a small difference compared to what you posted, the results obtained in both Mysql and Mariadb are the same

  • That’s exactly what I don’t understand. I’ve done everything from removing the database and create again and still in the hosting that is where this installed Mariadb does not return me the correct result.

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2 answers


Incompatibilities between Mariadb 5.1 and Mysql 5.1

In a few cases Mariadb must be incompatible to allow Mariadb to provide more and better information than Mysql.

Here is the list of all known user level incompatibilities you may have while using Mariadb 5.1 instead of the Mysql 5.1.

  1. Installation package names start with Mariadb instead of the Mysql.

  2. Times can be different like Mariadb is in many cases faster than the Mysql.

  3. Mysqld in Mariadb also reads the sections [Mariadb] of your files my.cnf.

  4. You cannot use a single binary storage mechanism library with Mariadb if it is not compiled for exactly the same version Mariadb. (This is because the internal server structure THD is different between Mysql and Mariadb. This is also common among the different versions of Mysql). This shouldn’t be a problem as most people don’t carry new storage mechanisms and Mariadb comes with more storage mechanisms than the Mysql.

  5. CHECKSUM TABLE may give different result as Mariadb does not ignore NULL in the columns of how Mysql 5.1 makes (future versions of Mysql shall calculate the verification sums in the same way as Mariadb). You can get the checksum "old style" in Mariadb initiating the Mysqld with the option --. Note however that what Myisam and storage mechanisms in Mariadb is using the new verification internally, so if you are using --old, the command CHECKSUM will be slower as it needs to calculate the checksum of line by line.

  6. The slow query log has more information about the query, which can be a problem if you have a script that analyzes the slow query log.

  7. Mariadb, by default takes a little more memory than the Mysql because we have enabled by default the Aria storage mechanism for handling internal temporary tables. If you need to Mariadb take very little memory (at the cost of performance), you can set the value of aria_pagecache_buffer_size to 1M (default is 128M).

  8. If you are using new command options, new features of Mariadb or new storage mechanisms, you cannot move easily and back between Mysql and Mariadb.

Source: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/mariadb-vs-mysql-compatibility/

Man, it looks like the differences are starting to show now, but the older ones don’t make much of a difference.

  • @Charless.Ferreira I really appreciate the answer, but this whole part has more to do with versions 5.1, but I’m looking at the link that went through and there are some things in relation to 5.5, not that these do not fit, but I think it is something more specific same. I’m still analyzing these things! Valew


According to tests obtained with the same records and tables show that the results are the same:

In Mariadb:

     MariaDB [test]> SELECT DISTINCT umr.tema_id,    (        SELECT count(vw1.tema_id)        FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas vw1        WHERE ((vw1.tema_id = umr.tema_id)        AND (vw1.u
nidade_id = 68)        AND (vw1.opt_aplicavel = 1)        AND (vw1.opt_conforme = 1)        AND (vw1.dt_validate >= '2015-07-22'))    ) as conforme,    (        SELECT count(vw2.tema_id)        F
ROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas vw2        WHERE ((vw2.tema_id = umr.tema_id)        AND (vw2.unidade_id = 68)        AND (vw2.opt_aplicavel IS NULL))    ) as naoAvaliado,    (        SE
LECT count(vw3.tema_id)        FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas vw3        WHERE ((vw3.tema_id = umr.tema_id)        AND (vw3.unidade_id = 68)        AND (vw3.opt_aplicavel = 1 OR vw3.op
t_aplicavel IS NULL))    ) as totalAtribuido FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas umr WHERE (umr.unidade_id = 68 AND (umr.opt_aplicavel = 1 OR umr.opt_aplicavel IS NULL));
| tema_id | conforme | naoAvaliado | totalAtribuido |
|      20 |        2 |           0 |              2 |
|      21 |        3 |          18 |             24 |
|      11 |        8 |          19 |             29 |
|      24 |        1 |           0 |              1 |
|      18 |        1 |           0 |              1 |
|      23 |        0 |           2 |              2 |
|       7 |        0 |           0 |              2 |
|       4 |        0 |           2 |              4 |
|       2 |        1 |           0 |              1 |
9 rows in set (0.04 sec)

MariaDB [test]>

IN Mysql:

    mysql> SELECT DISTINCT umr.tema_id,    (        SELECT count(vw1.tema_id)        FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas vw1        WHERE ((vw1.tema_id = umr.tema_id)        AND (vw1.unidade_id
 = 68)        AND (vw1.opt_aplicavel = 1)        AND (vw1.opt_conforme = 1)        AND (vw1.dt_validate >= '2015-07-22'))    ) as conforme,    (        SELECT count(vw2.tema_id)        FROM vw_un
idades_monitoramentos_respostas vw2        WHERE ((vw2.tema_id = umr.tema_id)        AND (vw2.unidade_id = 68)        AND (vw2.opt_aplicavel IS NULL))    ) as naoAvaliado,    (        SELECT coun
t(vw3.tema_id)        FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas vw3        WHERE ((vw3.tema_id = umr.tema_id)        AND (vw3.unidade_id = 68)        AND (vw3.opt_aplicavel = 1 OR vw3.opt_aplicav
el IS NULL))    ) as totalAtribuido FROM vw_unidades_monitoramentos_respostas umr WHERE (umr.unidade_id = 68 AND (umr.opt_aplicavel = 1 OR umr.opt_aplicavel IS NULL));
| tema_id | conforme | naoAvaliado | totalAtribuido |
|      20 |        2 |           0 |              2 |
|      21 |        3 |          18 |             24 |
|      11 |        8 |          19 |             29 |
|      24 |        1 |           0 |              1 |
|      18 |        1 |           0 |              1 |
|      23 |        0 |           2 |              2 |
|       7 |        0 |           0 |              2 |
|       4 |        0 |           2 |              4 |
|       2 |        1 |           0 |              1 |
9 rows in set (0.15 sec)


NOTE: Data obtained through the link https://gist.github.com/marcelod/91836c31cf4bdce5eadc#file-database-sql

As far as we talk about differences between these databases, it is simple to remember the following rule, Mysql has an obligation to deliver everything that is implemented for Mariadb copy (in its free version), Mariadb will maintain compatibility, but you can do better or implement something new, which in turn may not work in Mysql in these cases.

  • Thanks for the tests, but how do you explain the results I showed, which I also did with the same data? Could it be a problem in hosting?

  • Where this error in your environment is hard to know, if it is possible to do the following, backup one and drop everything in the other, then restore the backup and run the same sql in both, have to give the same results

  • And make sure no one is altering/inserting into databases while testing

  • I have already done these tests and yet they continue the same results. I don’t know what else to do about it. Just so you know, which version of Mariadb did you spin?

  • the versions I used were Mysql 5.6.25 and Mariadb 5.5.45

  • The versions will not change the results, what can happen between the version differences is related to resources and performance, the results obtained will be the same,

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