How to initialize the sale id in print class?


Viewed 25 times


I would like to receive the id of venda in the print class of the page, being that it comes null, and I am using it to compare with the idvenda with the parameter created in Jasper.

html print.

      <p:commandLink  title="Imprimir" action="#{relatorioMB.emitir}" ajax="false" target="_blank" >
          <i class="fa fa-print"></i> Imprimir teste 
          <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{vendaMB.venda}" value="#{lin}" />

I used <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{vendaMB.venda}" value="#{lin}" />, but only works in vendaMB.

     private Venda venda;  parametros.put("idvenda", venda.getIdvenda());

1 answer


The sale variable of MB Vendamb needs to be annotated with @Viewscoped.

To capture in MB Impressaomb Launch the Vendamb.

In Impressaomb would look like this:

private VendaMB vendaMB;

public meuMetodo(){
  • very good, just forgot to mention that I use another daughter class of impressaMB, and where is to be used the this.vendaMB.getVenda().getIdvenda();

  • and how I do when it’s another class without being BEAN?

  • could better specify your scenario?

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