Error loading Codeiginiter library database


Viewed 114 times


I have the following error in codeginiter:

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Error

Message: Call to Undefined Function mysqli_init()

Filename: mysqli/mysqli_driver.php

Line Number: 135


I already went to php.ini and removed the comments from extension=php_mysql.dll , extension=php_mysqli.dll and set him on his way extension_dir = "C:/php/ext", someone who’s been through it knows the solution?

Note: I am trying to host in Apache because php cli works normally

  • 2

    If you have been using Wampserver, XAMPP etc. You are probably changing the php.ini incorrect. Create a PHP file and execute the code <?php phpinfo();. There will show the file "correct".

  • @Valdeirpsr but in which part of phpinfo() I know that apache is unsated?

  • just search (Ctrl+F) for php.ini. The value is in Loaded Configuration File

  • @Valdeirpsr then found the path but it points to C: Window but there is no php.ini there.

  • You use some software like Wampserver or XAMPP?

  • @Valdeirpsr then guy managed to solve there in httpd.conf on the last line I put Phpinidir + the path in which php was installed along with php.ini. But I see for the help.

  • Answer your own question. Do not leave open. Disturbs.

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1 answer


In the httpd.conf on the last line I put the PhpIniDir + the path in which php.ini was installed

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