Enable Regex in Excel VBA
- Regex needs to be enabled, Enable the Developer mode
- In the 'Developer' tab, click 'Visual Basic' and the VBA window will open.
- Go to 'Tools' -> 'References...' and a window will open.
- Search for 'Microsoft Vbscript Regular Expressions 5.5', as in the image below. And enable this option.

A simple Regex that identifies a group that is between MWTTanDeltaValues=
and MWTTanDeltaTimeValues=
Demo in Regex101
VBA code
Find txt file and remove string
Finds the defined file or if it does not find the user chooses the file.
Open . txt and find the desired String.
Sub EncontrarTXT()
Dim objStream As Object
Dim strData As String
Dim fileName As String, textData As String, fileNo As Integer
sFilename = "teste.txt"
' sFilename = Sheets("Planilha1").Range("A1")
sFilepath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sFilename
fileNo = FreeFile 'Get first free file number
If Dir(sFilepath) <> "" Then
Open sFilepath For Input As #fileNo
strData = Input$(LOF(fileNo), fileNo)
Dim objMatches As Object, objRegExp As Object
Set objRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegExp.Pattern = "MWTTanDeltaValues=\s*([\s\S]+)(?=MWTTanDeltaTimeValues=)"
objRegExp.Global = True
Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(strData)
If objMatches.Count <> 0 Then
For Each m In objMatches
'Imprime na janela de Verificação Imediata
' Debug.Print m.Submatches(0)
'Preenche a célula A1 da planilha Planilha1
' Sheets("Planilha1").Range("A1") = m.Submatches(0)
Next m
End If
MsgBox "O arquivo txt não pôde ser carregado - Escolha o caminho."
sFilepath = EscolherArquivo
If Dir(sFilepath) <> "" Then GoTo Inicio
End If
Close #fileNo
End Sub
Choose Archive
If you do not find the path referred in the code, a window will open to choose the file on the system.
Public Function EscolherArquivo() As String
Dim intChoice As Long
Dim strPath As String
'only allow the user to select one file
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).AllowMultiSelect = False
'make the file dialog visible to the user
intChoice = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Show
'determine what choice the user made
If intChoice <> 0 Then
'get the file path selected by the user
strPath = Application.FileDialog( _
'print the file path to sheet 1
EscolherArquivo = strPath
End If
End Function
Is this String:
27.5766;27.5707;27.3737;26.6112;26.0126;26.2416;26.1120; 26.1621;25.7420;25.9710;25.6238;25.7683;25.8689;26.1269; 26.1321;26.2643;25.7848;25.1501;25.3091;25.0000;25.3175; 25.5920;24.8733;24.6167;24.6299;24.7430;25.4183;25.9896; 25.4958;25.4259;26.4650;25.7657;30.0259;30.5261;30.2207; 30.7683;30.5524;31.4316;30.5092;31.2188;31.3513;31.4804; 31.1870;31.5287;31.2671;30.7482;29.5514;28.6546;29.6851; 29.2009;29.2151;29.1309;29.1466;33.0232;31.8877;30.4890; 26.8053;27.0559;26.8480;25.6997;25.8613;26.7863;26.0611; 26.7878;27.2462;25.6071;25.9075;25.9302;25.8017;26.8502; 26.7850;26.3517;25.5865;26.1033;25.8408;26.2310;25.0309; 23.9557;24.0468;24.0217;23.7751;24.5628;24.3670;24.3429; 25.5378;27.6765;24.4876;24.7278;23.9403;
String that defines the file name
sFilepath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sFilename
String that defines the file path, where is the concatenation of the current Excel file path & the file name.
Marks the beginning of the code
If Dir(sFilepath) <> "" Then
If the directory defined in sFilepath
if found, follow the code to open the txt and extract the string.
sFilepath = EscolherArquivo
The user chooses the file to be used by calling the function EscolherArquivo
After choosing the file, return to the Inicio:
Open sFilepath For Input As #fileNo
Open the txt file
strData = Input$(LOF(fileNo), fileNo)
Defines the String strData
with the txt file data.
Dim objMatches As Object, objRegExp As Object: Set objRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp"):'Regex : objRegExp.Pattern = "MWTTanDeltaValues=\s*([\s\S]+)(?=MWTTanDeltaTimeValues=)" : objRegExp.Global = True
Sets the Regex parameters.
Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(strData)
Runs Regex on String strData
If objMatches.Count <> 0 Then
If any regex results are found, then...
For Each m In objMatches: Next m
For each match found in Regex
Debug.Print m.Submatches(0)
Print Match Group 1 in Immediate Verification
Sheets("Planilha1").Range("A1") = m.Submatches(0)
Fills cell A1 of the Spreadsheet worksheet