Doubt between using composite primary key or not in the associative table


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I’m making a relationship where the same is N:N...


Projeto x Funcionario

In this relationship I create an associative table called Projeto_Funcionario leading the id of the two classes.

Project(id, name)

Employee(id, name, position)

Project_funcionario(idProject, idFunc, cargaHoraria)

The question is: would you like to know if the idProjet and idFunc keys are composite primary keys or not, or Penos create them being foreign and before it create a primary.

Project_funcionario(id, idProject, idFunc, cargaHoraria)

OBS: The Employee cannot work on the same project more than once, only once.

  • They are not composed. They serve as the relationship 1 to N between the table that makes the compound (Project_work) and the normal table (Project or Employee).

  • Yes, I know they are for relationship 1 to N. But I would like to know whether they are composite primary keys or not.

  • As I said before, they are not composed. If you want there to be only one relationship, use UNIQUE as quoted

  • @Renannarciso, how you creating your model ? could put? the classes.. Fast forward with the Entity Framework, you’ll only have the relationship table in the database, with the two columns being composite primary keys... plus the fields you need.

  • 1

    has a very clear example ..

  • Hello @Marconciliosouza I already managed to solve my problem, anyway, thanks! In my associative class.

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2 answers


That’s up to you.

Both ways are right, but I find it really boring to work with composite primary keys, because to reference them by a foreign key, you need both columns. Imagine the chaos to add a new primary column to this table? You will need to add it to all other tables that depend on the old key.

It also takes more work to pass two variables in the client code, so I prefer to do it this way:

CREATE TABLE Projeto_Funcionario (
    id INT IDENTITY (1, 1),
    idProjeto INT NOT NULL,
    idFunc INT NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_Projeto_Funcionario PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT UNIQUE_Projeto_Funcionario UNIQUE (idProjeto, idFunc),

    /* chaves estrangeiras... */

With a CONSTRAINT of type UNIQUE, you have the same guarantee of uniqueness that you would have with a primary key, and SQL Server even creates an index for these columns.

Now, when trying to make an INSERT in this table, linking the same employee with the same project, the DBMS will point out CONSTRAINT violation error.

-- esse primeiro insert funciona
INSERT INTO Projeto_Funcionario (idProjeto, idFunc)
VALUES (1, 1)

-- esse não
INSERT INTO Projeto_Funcionario (idProjeto, idFunc)
VALUES (1, 1)

-- erro: Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UNIQUE_Projeto_Funcionario'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Projeto_Funcionario'. The duplicate key value is (1, 1).

See working on SQL Fiddle.

  • But the Fks are still?

  • Yes, the foreign keys you keep.

  • I don’t quite understand, but what about the restriction on my system? In this case, the Employee may not have worked on repeated projects, JUST ONCE IN THE PROJECT. For this, which one is ideal to use? Composite primary key?

  • 1

    Renan, I complemented my answer, take a look


Do not generate composite key, a way to lock the insertion of duplicate items is by creating index.

The code would look something like this:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
      modelBuilder.Entity<Projeto_Funcionario>().Property(a => a.idProjeto).HasColumnAnnotation(IndexAnnotation.AnnotationName,
                           new IndexAnnotation(new IndexAttribute("IX_PROJETO_FUNCIONARIO_UNIQUE", 1) { IsUnique = true }));

      modelBuilder.Entity<Projeto_Funcionario>().Property(a => a.idFunc).HasColumnAnnotation(IndexAnnotation.AnnotationName,
                           new IndexAnnotation(new IndexAttribute("IX_PROJETO_FUNCIONARIO_UNIQUE", 2) { IsUnique = true }));

With this setting it will block the insertion of id duplicated project and employee and will release an exception. However, I believe that even with the addition of the index it would be better to do a validation before trying to enter the information.


Follow how I would leave the class:

public class Projeto_Funcionario
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public DateTime CargaHoraria { get; set; }

    public int IdProjeto { get; set; }
    public Projeto Projeto { get; set; }

    public int IdFunc { get; set; }
    public Funcionario Funcionario { get; set; }
  • That, my idea is let the employee work on several projects, however, he cannot work on repeated projects. The simple and ideal solution for this, would not create only composite primary key in the associative table? An example I made in my context:

  • this is also a solution, but I would merge my answer with the one of the friend above, IE, I would take the Project_working class create a FK to her and raise her index for idProjeto and IdFunc.

  • 1

    I edited the question by asking how I would make the class.

  • Yes, my associative class did it that way, but at the time of creating the Migration she’s not like composite primary key. With this domain restriction of my system, is it ideal to create composite key? (That’s the question)

  • 1

    I get it, I think it is based on your question opinion, my opinion is that it is not worth creating composite key. It is worth creating the class with a FK normal, add related ones, and create the index to stop the addition of duplicated data.

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