How to echo $arrayReturn and html code


Viewed 96 times


How do I echo this whole code?

  • @Everson, I need to echo (in everything) above. the first code you sent does not work. and how much the duplicate question does not fit either. (including the TEO)

  • you want to show on the screen the html code without running it, correct?

  • 1

    @J.Doe leia and

2 answers


Remove the delimiters <? ?>, include code in double quotes and concatenate:

echo "<li>Número: 
  • Also had already tried Syntax error, Unexpected $EOF, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING

  • Gave! I had already tried so, but I used simple quotes and so I didn’t even stop to think! thanks a lot!


To give echo in an array you can use the function print_r()

<strong> <?php print_r($arrayReturn);?> </strong>

Dear want to leave the code pre-formatted on the screen you can do

    <strong> <?php print_r($arrayReturn);?> </strong>
  • There is the syntax error since < do <li is not expected.

  • Can you be more detailed in what you want? Your question is very vague and does not have a clarity of your doubt. What is the structure of this array? what is the expected result of the code?

  • I just want to echo the above & #Xa;<? php echo "<li>Number: <Strong><?= $arrayReturn['numero'];? ></strong>&#xA;</li>";>&#xA;&#xA;Sei?

  • If that’s all there is nothing wrong with your code, except for the reduced PHP print tag which is not the most advisable. To know where the error is you must put the structure of the array you are using.

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