Hi, I need a tip, I was making an import of a file on CSV
to change a record in my database and strangely could not do it, I did an analysis in the code in PHP
and it’s all right so I left for the file on CSV
and found that the same after the tests I did was left blank lines at the end of it, I did a cleaning and again I remade the import process and everything worked out.
Is there any possibility to delete these lines after the records at the time of import?
What I got is this:
if (!empty($_FILES)) { $tempFile = $_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name']; $Dados = file($tempFile); // IGNORANDO A PRIMEIRA LINHA DO CSV array_shift($Dados); foreach($Dados as $RegLinhas) { // RETIRA ESPAÇOS NO INÍCIO E FIM $Linha = trim($RegLinhas); // DIVIDE A STRING $CamposImport = explode(';', $Linha); // RECUPERANDO EM VARIÁVES PARA ORGANIZAR SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE $IdPessoa = $CamposImport[0]; $Nome = $CamposImport[1]; $IdUnicoop = $CamposImport[2]; $DataAdmissao = $CamposImport[3]; $IdCargo = $CamposImport[4]; $LotacaoRH = $CamposImport[5]; $CTPS = $CamposImport[6]; $CTPSSerie = $CamposImport[7]; $CTPSUF = $CamposImport[8]; $DataNascimento = $CamposImport[9]; $CPF = $CamposImport[11]; // CONVERTENDO DATA PARA MYSQL $DataAdmissao = implode("-",array_reverse(explode("/",$DataAdmissao))); $DataNascimento = implode("-",array_reverse(explode("/",$DataNascimento))); // CAMPOS FIXOS $TipoColaborador = "Funcionario"; $DivulgarAniversario = 1; $Categoria = "F"; $ClienteProdutor = "C"; $Fornecedor = 0; $Colaborador = 1; $Ativo = 1; } }
You can do an If in fields that will never appear empty. For example: If Idperson other than empty, receives other information...
– Bruno Folle
Thanks for the tip @Brunofolle, I’ll do some tests.
– adventistapr