Entity lambda framework with include returns empty Collection


Viewed 792 times


I have a select that returns chained data and plays it in a Viewmodel created for the simple reason that I cannot return all data from my table, as in the example:

var data = _context.Forms
.Include(i => i.OrganizationUnit)
.Include(i => i.FormSections)
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.Predecessors))
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.FormSectionSecurities))
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.FormSectionSecurities.Select(x => x.FormSectionSecurityPremission)))
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.FormSectionSecurities.Select(x => x.Role)))
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.FormSectionFields))
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.FormSectionFields.Select(x => x.FormSectionFieldType)))
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.FormSectionFields.Select(x => x.FormSectionFieldType)))
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.FormSectionFields.Select(x => x.List)))
.Include(i => i.FormSections.Select(p => p.FormSectionFields.Select(x => x.List).Select(j => j.ListItems)))
.OrderBy(i => i.Name)
.Where(i => i.EFormStatus == EFormStatus.Active)
.Select(f => new FormViewModel
    Id = f.Id,
    Name = f.Name,
    Description = f.Description,
    EFormStatus = f.EFormStatus,
    Instructions = string.Empty,
    OrganizationUnit = f.OrganizationUnit,
    FormSections = f.FormSections

f. Formsection returns a Collection that has more Collections inside, as it is possible to notice by Includes for example: Formsectionfields. The problem occurs precisely in the return of this "third level" that comes empty, even with the includes. Also occurs for any collection that is below the collection f. Formsection.

Some indication of what to do or what might be wrong ?

Below Formviewmodel

public class FormViewModel
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public OrganizationUnit OrganizationUnit { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string Instructions { get; set; }
    public EFormStatus EFormStatus { get; set; }
    public ICollection FormSections { get; set; }  


I discard the use of joins using Linq (query syntax), as it is necessary that only one row be returned with the chained objects.

  • 2

    "[...] a Join could make the whole routine extremely slow [...]". The Includes are translated into joins.

  • In this case I meant joins using LINQ (query syntax), which would change the way the data is brought from the database. Changing the question to avoid confusion.

  • 1

    Do you guarantee me that your query should bring some record that has relationship with this third level? include is translated to INNER JOIN, nay FULL JOIN. Do the following, copy the query generated in Iqueryable and try to run directly in the database and see the result.

  • @Gabrielcoletta copying the query generated in Iqueryable the select runs only in the first table, with no Join

  • You can share with the community?

  • @Gabrielcoletta managed to solve the problem using the answer of Marconcilio Souza. Thank you

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1 answer


You can create multiple selects including your tables as follows.

var data = _context.Forms
.Select(f => new 
  Forms = f.Forms,
  OrganizationUnit = _context.OrganizationUnit.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OrganizationUnitId == f.OrganizationUnitId) // Todo seus ids ... x.OrganizationUnitId == f.OrganizationUnitId
  FormSections = _context.FormSections.Where(x => x.FormSectionsId == f.FormSectionsId) // Todo seus ids ...x.FormSectionsId == f.FormSectionsId  
.Select(f => new 
   Forms = f.Forms,
   OrganizationUnit = f.OrganizationUnit,
   f.FormSections.Predecessors = _context.Predecessors.Where(x => x.PredecessorsId == f.FormSectionsId) 
   FormSections = f.FormSections,
   // ....  demais campos
.Where(i => i.EFormStatus == EFormStatus.Active)
.Select(f => new FormViewModel
    Id = f.Forms.Id,
    Name = f.Forms.Name,
    Description = f.Forms.Description,
    EFormStatus = f.EFormStatus,
    OrganizationUnit = f.OrganizationUnit,
    FormSections = f.FormSections

In the end, this becomes a single select with JOIN, a problem that may occur in your case is that if there is no relationship between your tables, the properties of your FormViewModel will be null.

For example, if there is no relationship between Formsections and Form the return of the property below will be null.

FormSections = _context.FormSections.Where(x => x.FormSectionsId == f.FormSectionsId)
  • The problem is that in the case of the second select, where I would return the third collection, (first: Form, second: Formsection, third: Formsectionfield) I would need the Id of the second (Formsection) to make the link, but it is a Iqueryable<> because it is the result of a Where with the Id of the first collection (Form).

  • You would need to have another select ... and so on. up to the last level.

  • 1

    managed to implement your example and solved my problem. thank you very much!

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