How to get a variable name?


Viewed 55 times


Is there any way to get the name of a variable using metaprogramming (or reflection, I believe) in Ruby? I want something like nameof of the C#.

I was looking for something like:

minha_variavel = "valor"
=> "minha_variavel"

I tried to use several methods, but without success. I even used the Object#object_id to work with the object, but I didn’t get the result I expected:

=> "valor"

The ObjectSpace#_id2ref gets the instance itself, which is evaluated by its value. What I want is the name assigned to the object.

Is it possible? If not, what makes it impossible, whether in other languages this type of situation can be resolved?

  • Out of curiosity, is there any practical application in getting the name of a variable? Something to do nameof(var) instead of just "var"?

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    An application would be logging. Maybe save rework. And variables, classes or the like can be created dynamically in some contexts @Andersoncarloswoss

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    I don’t think Ruby has this Feature because it seems to be unnecessary in scripting languages (Languages script), which is not the case for C# which is compiled and the reference to the name of the variables changes in binary. See this answer on the nameof. And to logging I believe that the Kernel#set_trac_func is sufficient. (And of course if you have an actual example of the nameof applied to logging with Ruby would be very helpful)

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