Transaction in different banks


Viewed 57 times


In a certain part of the system I need to do the transaction control, but this operation involves tables that are in different databases.

I made a test by inserting two tables in different banks and at the end of them making a rollback, as expected this operation failed, the rollback happened only on the first table.

Is there any way to control transactions given this scenario?


  • I’m using Laravel.
  • Both banks are mysql

The test I did contained the following code:


Aluno::create(['nome' =>   'teste']);

Professor::create(['nome'  => 'teste2' ]);


In each model I have set one connection different.

  • Are the two banks on the same server (communicating with each other)? The transaction is usually managed by connection, if you have two different connections I believe you will need to treat them separately and only commit one if the other is successfully committed (the rollback would also be done for each connection)

  • the banks are on the same server, but they are two different connections

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