Function that returns next character in PHP ASCII table


Viewed 323 times


I would like to make a function in PHP that would receive a character and return the next character, according to the ASCII table.

For example: receives 'a' and returns 'b'. I know how to do this in C, which would be

char funcao(char C) {
  return C++;

But this way it doesn’t work in PHP. Someone knows how to do it?

  • And if the input letter is z, the exit must be }?

  • Yes, according to the ASCII table.

2 answers


Just convert the value to integer with the function ord(), increment the desired value and convert to string again with the function chr().

function charOffset(string $char, int $offset = 3): string
    return chr(ord($char) + $offset);

So just call the function:

echo charOffset('a');  // 'd'
echo charOffset('f', 10);  // 'p'

See working on | Ideone

  • It worked right here, thank you!


See if that’s what you want.


$a = ord("a"); #pega o dec de "a"

function transform($transform)
    $otro = $transform + 3; #adiciona +3 ao inteiro de $transform
    var_dump(chr($otro));   #mostra na tela o dec de 100 "d"


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