I’m getting fake records on the website


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For some time now I have been receiving records on my website, false records and I can’t understand what might be in the cause of it.

I have a simple record, fields, dropdowns and a small captcha with MIME image. captcha had to implement just because of the records.

I discovered recently that the records are not being made directly by the site, since the captcha had no effect whatsoever.

Are there ways to send data to a comic book other than through the website itself?

  • The captcha serves precisely to prevent this from happening. Maybe it is not working properly.

  • Another feature you can use to bolster security is to send a user’s email validation pro link. That is, until the user validates the link, the record is "dead". So you can have more control over "good" and "bad" records, being able to erase "bad" records after a few days, so as not to swell your BD.

  • @DVD I am sure that Captcha works. Tests multiple times, in all the ways that came to my head, I detected no flaws. About the confirmation link, it’s a good idea, but it doesn’t go according to what I’m looking for. I’m looking to end spam, not filter. The most accurate theory I have right now is that the logs are not occurring on the site. They are occurring due to a security breach of joomla.

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