Upload csv file with ajax, json, php and Mysql


Viewed 559 times


I’m trying to make a import file csv to the MySQL dealing with errors with JSon but I’m not succeeding, even with a basic test I can return the message, always falls in the else of if.

This is the form:

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="frmImportacao">                       
    <input type="file" name="demo_file" class="file-upload-ajax">

This is the script:

        $(this).after('<span class="temp-message">Enviado...</span>');
        var formdata = new FormData($("#frmImportacao")[0]);
            type: "POST",
            url: "ajax/pUploadImportacaoRH.php",
            enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
            data: formdata,
            async: false,
            contentType: false,
            processData: false,
            cache: false,
            success: function(response) {
                if (response.codigo == "1") {
                $("#msgInsert").html('<div class="alert alert-success fade in"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button><i class="fa-fw fa fa-times"></i><strong>AVISO!</strong>  ' + response.mensagem + '</div>');                        
                } else {
                    $("#msgInsert").html('<div class="alert alert-danger fade in"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button><i class="fa-fw fa fa-times"></i><strong>ATENÇÃO!</strong>  ' + response.mensagem + '</div>');


In php it’s like this:

$retorno = array('codigo' => 1, 'mensagem' => "RETORNO");
echo json_encode($retorno);

But you always give me that error message: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • pUploadImportacaoRH.php is just that one there?

  • Hello @Juliohenrique, I’m trying for now to see if this script returns me the correct message, already have the upload part, but I’m trying to understand this message.

  • right, so put this before echo json_encode. header('Content-Type: application/json');

  • I put it and it has the same message.

  • changes this: (Response.codigo == "1" to that (Response.codigo == 1 . because Voce is comparing string with number

2 answers


The problem is that you are comparing a string with a number, so it will never be the same.

change that if (response.codigo == "1") { for that reason if (response.codigo == 1){

since the return is a number and not a string:

$retorno = array('codigo' => 1, 'mensagem' => "RETORNO");

If an error appears in the header you need to set the return type, with this code:

header('Content-Type: application/json');

leaving your code like this:

$retorno = array('codigo' => 1, 'mensagem' => "RETORNO");
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($retorno);
  • Boy, the same thing, the message persists.

  • @adventistapr guy only experiences doing the basics, ajax with type, url and Success, see what the

  • @adventist was?

  • I’m changing, but I’m having a problem, the php script gives me the message that the file can’t be empty, but it’s not empty

  • But how about this mistake, if I asked if there are only those lines in the code and Voce said yes?

  • I changed the script, pretty much everything.

Show 2 more comments


The solution to my problem was solved as follows, following a few tips here from the OS, I re-read the form and the form of the submission.

        <form id="uploadForm" action="" method="post" class="form-horizontal">             
              <legend>Informe o arquivo</legend>
              <div class="form-group">
                 <label class="col-md-2 control-label">Escolher arquivo</label>
                 <div class="col-md-10">
                    <input name="userImage" type="file" class="btn btn-default" />                      
           <div id="msgFoto" style="padding-top:10px;"></div>
           <div class="form-actions">
              <div class="row">
                 <div class="col-md-12">                        
                    <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"> <i class="fa fa-save"></i> Importar </button>
$(document).ready(function(e) {
        $("#uploadForm").on('submit', (function(e) {
                url: "ajax/pUploadImportacaoRH.php",
                type: "POST",
                data: new FormData(this),
                contentType: false,
                cache: false,
                processData: false,
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {

                    if (data.codigo == "1") {
                        $("#msgInsert").html('×AVISO!' + data.mensagem + '');                          
                    } else {
                        $("#msgInsert").html('×ATENÇÃO! ' + data.mensagem + '');

                error: function() {
                $("#msgInsert").html('×ATENÇÃO! Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar o arquivo. Contate o suporte técnico.');
  • @Juliohenrique, your tips were excellent, thank you.

  • closes your question by signaling the answers as useful, and marking the one that was the solution (you can mark yours if you want)

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