I have two fields where an initial and final date is placed:
<form name="filtroClientes" action="consulta_contas.php" method="POST">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="nomefiltrar" style="color:#E4CDAC; font-size: 17px; font-family:Arial">Observação</label>
<input type="text" class="teste" id="nomefiltrar" name="nomefiltrar" />
<label for="dataemissaoinicialfiltrar" style="color:#E4CDAC; font-size: 17px; font-family:Arial">Data Emissao Inicial</label>
<input type="date" id="dataemissaoiniciofiltrar" class="teste" name="dataemissaoiniciofiltrar" />
<label for="dataemissaofiltrar" style="color:#E4CDAC; font-size: 17px; font-family:Arial">Data Emissao Final</label>
<input type="date" class="teste" id="dataemissaofinalfiltrar" name="dataemissaofinalfiltrar" />
<input type="hidden" name="acao" value="filtrar"/>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-custom btn-roxo">Filtrar</button>
Through a function I recover the value of these fields and perform a query to filter according to the values placed in this field: registra_php accounts.:
function filtraContas(){
$contas = '';
$banco = abrirBanco();
$nomefiltrar = $_POST['nomefiltrar'];
$nomefiltrar = '';
$dataemissaoinicio = $_POST['dataemissaoiniciofiltrar'];
$dataemissaoinicio = '';
$dataemissaofinal = $_POST['dataemissaofinalfiltrar'];
$dataemissaofinal = '';
$sql = " SELECT c.*, c.dataemissao as dataemissaoformatada, c.datavencimento as datavencimentoformatada, p.nome, e.nome_especie FROM contas c INNER JOIN pessoa p ON (c.id_fornecedor = p.id) INNER JOIN especies e ON (c.id_especie = e.id) WHERE observacao LIKE '%$nomefiltrar%' OR c.dataemissao BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('$dataemissaoinicio', '%d/%m/%Y') AND STR_TO_DATE('$dataemissaofinal ', '%d/%m/%Y') ";
$resultado = $banco->query($sql);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado)){
$contas[] = $row;
return $contas;
However, the between is not being applied. Why is this happening? The date field is a varchar type field in the bank. I realized that even if I change the field from "date" to "text" and remove STR_TO_DATE, the between is not yet realized, I believe it should work since in the bank it is like varchar and in this field would be taking the text format??
Your code is conceptually wrong, it is not possible to filter a date in a VARCHAR field. If it is really necessary, you should convert the database field to Date and not just the parameter being requested.
– Andrey
True. I’m converting everyone now, but I still can’t filter: $sql = " SELECT c.*, p.nome, e.nome_especie FROM contas c INNER JOIN pessoa p ON (c.id_fornecedor = p.id) INNER JOIN especies e ON (c.id_especie = e.id) WHERE observacao LIKE '%$nomefiltrar%' OR STR_TO_DATE(c.dataemissao, '%d/%m/%Y') BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('$dataemissaoinicio', '%d/%m/%Y') AND STR_TO_DATE('$final date issuance', '%d/%m/%Y') ";
– veroneseComS
Run the following SELECT in your database and see if the two fields return the data in the same structure (typing):
SELCT STR_TO_DATE(c.dataemissao, '%d/%m/%Y') as DatadoBanco, STR_TO_DATE('06/02/2018', '%d/%m/%Y') from contas c
. One more thing, can’t you change the field type in the database? I mean delete the existing field and recreate it as Date?– Andrey
The database returns correctly, I believe the problem is the c.note LIKE '%name% filter%', if you have nothing filled it will return all records, right? I tried to do an if: if(isset($_POST['filtername']){ $filtername = $_POST['filtername']; }Else{ $filtername = '9'; } , but still returns all results.
– veroneseComS
Try to capture the exact SQL your code is generating. And as a hint, test your SQL for parts... by adding filters one by one...
– Andrey